Electrical Engineering Computing Policies
Penn State IT Policies
The Department of Electrical Engineering enforces Penn State Policy AD20, Policy AD23, Guideline ADG01, and Guideline ADG02. Please take a few moments to become familiar with these policies.
College of Engineering IT Polices
The Electrical Engineering Department enforces the College of Engineering computer policies: www.ncts.psu.edu/infosystems. Please take a few moments to become familiar with these policies.
Electrical Engineering Department IT Policies
The computers provided by the Department of Electrical Engineering, for use by undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students, are the property of Penn State. Only authorized software is to be installed by the departmental IT support staff. IT personnel are the only ones authorized to make hardware changes to these computers, and any hardware change requests will need to be discussed with the IT staff.
All University-owned computers are required to participate in the College of Engineering’s Active Directory structure, where applicable. The College of Engineering’s domains offers additional security features to which all PC users are required to attach. Machines may be exempted only with express, written approval of IT staff.
Each person entering the lab must swipe their ID card through the card reader or have approval from the faculty member in charge of the class for Instructional Labs. If you allow others to enter, you may lose your own access to the lab. To request access to a lab, please fill out and submit the request form found at www.engr.psu.edu/eeit.
Removal of any items from electrical engineering labs will result disciplinary action and referral to police services. All labs are video monitored and recorded 24/7.
Electrical Engineering students are to store their data on the Penn State PASS space its.psu.edu/accounts/pass. PASS space is set as the W drive in electrical engineering labs.
All computers must have uniquely identifiable access for all users. Machines must present a login screen for secured login and must not automatically log a user in. Guest and other non-secure accounts must be disabled or deleted. Sharing of passwords and user accounts is strictly prohibited, and new accounts must be authorized by appropriate faculty and IT staff.
Failure to comply with university, college, or department computing policies may result in loss of network access privileges, loss of ITS Access account, or loss of equipment. Electrical engineering IT staff have the right to filter, quarantine, or restrict any computing device from the electrical engineering network at any time.
If you have any questions regarding this policy, contact electrical engineering IT staff at eeitsupport@engr.psu.edu or 865-0201. This policy is subject to change without notice.