Penn State Engineering has more than 50 student organizations from diversity-related groups and major-specific societies to service and outreach organizations, interest groups, and competition teams. Additionally, within the University there are more than 1,000 student organizations that cover the spectrum of interests. Penn State Engineering students are involved in all types of activities like sports clubs, sororities and fraternities, honor societies, service organizations, student government, and so much more.
In EECS, students can join a student organization or society that relates to their major:
- Association of Women in Computing: The Association’s mission is to attract and retain more women in computer science, computer engineering and electrical engineering majors y providing an open, safe environment of female peers and a place where women can freely ask questions and learn more about their field. We promote the advancement of women in the technical fields and provide networking opportunities for all of our members.
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): An organization all about programming, software, hardware for Penn State students. Throughout th school year ACM hosts a variety of events including programming/gaming competitions, workshops, technical talks, programming help, EECS class scheduling advice, career/interview help, and social events with other clubs.
- Eta Kappa Nu (HKN): Penn State’s Electrical Engineering Honor Society is dedicated to encouraging and recognizing individual excellence in education and meritorious work in professional practice in any of the areas within the IEEE-designated fields of interest.
- Hack PSU: HackPSU is 24-hour hackathon event with a strong emphasis on education. Every participant, from novice to expert, has the opportunity to learn and participate in a project-oriented competition. The event is open to undergraduate and graduate students. The HackPSU organization team is the student run club responsible for the planning, funding, and logistics behind this semesterly hackathon. Our team is hand-selected through an interview process and dedicated to giving our participants the best possible experience every semester. Additionally, we try to work with faculty and other technology centric clubs on campus to facilitate a broader tech community across Penn State.
- Nittany Data Labs: Nittany Data Labs is Penn State's data science club, with a mission to enable and inspire students to pursue their interests in Data Science and its related fields, including Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI. Our programs include corporate consulting projects, workshops, case competitions, a semester-long training program, social events with other clubs, and technical talks.
- Penn State IEEE: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. Penn State IEEE has created a variety of resources to ensure that students are successful in their work.
- Penn State SPIE:OSA: This student group promotes optical science and technology, with a mission to provide exciting educational, networking, and outreach activities for the State College community.
- Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS): An interdisciplinary student-focused group that aims to build, study, and design the next generation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAS). We solve real-world problems related to computer vision, control theory, and aircraft design.
Additionally, Penn State boasts a variety of multi-disciplinary programs:
- Student Chapter of the Electrochemical Society at Penn State University: The chapter's goal is to bring together both graduate and undergraduate students from engineering, science, and more, that share a common interest in electrochemistry and solid-state science. Group activities include technical research seminars, professional development events, and community outreach with electrochemistry as the underlying theme. Students are encouraged to discuss ideas and share recent reports of electrochemical research with other members of the organization.
- Penn State Robotics Club: A student-run organization that provides a place for students at Penn State to come together and learn about robotics. The robotics club is an entirely extracurricular activity, where members attend solely out of a passion for robotics.
- Student Space Programs Laboratory (SSPL): The SSPL allows undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to design, fabricate, and integrate space systems. The SSPL provides hands-on projects to apply classroom knowledge to real world, interdisciplinary settings. SSPL students experience working through a complete design cycle and must develop a systems engineering mind-set in addition to their component-level experience
- Audio Engineering Society
- Advanced Vehicle Team (EcoCar, ChallengeX, FutureTruck)
- Penn State Forumla SAE
- Engineers for a Sustainable World
- Engineers Without Borders
Be sure to check out all the other College of Engineering student organizations too!