Photo of Constantino Lagoa

Constantino Lagoa



  • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering

205 K Electrical Engineering West


Research Areas:

Control and Decision Systems; Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Interest Areas:

Application of probability to robustness analysis and control, robustness analysis and control of nonlinear systems and discrete event dynamical systems, traffic control in computer networks





Journal Articles

  • Taylor B Turrisi, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2024, "Affective judgments, environmental determinants, and physical activity in emerging and young adults", Psychology \& health, 39, (4), pp. 479--498
  • Jingchuan Wu, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2024, "Assessing the impact of message relevance and frequency on physical activity change: A secondary data analysis from the random AIM trial", Digital Health, 10, pp. 20552076241255656
  • Dagm Abate, Susete Marques, Vladimir Bushenkov, Jose Riffo, Andres Weintraub, Miguel Constantino, Constantino M Lagoa and Jose G Borges, 2024, "Assessment of tradeoffs between ecosystem services in large spatially constrained forest management planning problems", Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 7, pp. 1368608
  • Jenny L Olson, Scherezade K. Mama, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Constantino M Lagoa, Chris N Sciamanna and David E Conroy, 2024, "Broad versus narrow bandwidth measures of experienced automaticity for physical activity", Psychology \& health, 39, (10), pp. 1371--1387
  • Omar M Sleem and Constantino M Lagoa, 2024, "Lp quasi-norm minimization: algorithm and applications", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2024, (1), pp. 22
  • Mohammad Javad Heidari, Akbar Najafi, Jose G Borges and Constantino M Lagoa, 2024, "Novel approach for forest road maintenance using smartphone sensor data and deep learning methods", International Journal of Forest Engineering, 35, (3), pp. 507--514
  • Omar M Sleem and Constantino M Lagoa, 2024, "Parsimonious system identification from fragmented quantised measurements", International journal of control, 97, (8), pp. 1770--1779
  • Daniel J Vecellio, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2024, "Physical activity dependence on relative temperature and humidity characteristics in a young, insufficiently active population: a weather typing analysis", Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 21, (4), pp. 357--364
  • Jaeseok Choi, Anand Deo, Constantino M Lagoa and Anirudh Subramanyam, 2024, "Reduced Sample Complexity in Scenario-Based Control System Design via Constraint Scaling", IEEE Control Systems Letters
  • Amanda L Rebar, Constantino M Lagoa, Benjamin Gardner and David E Conroy, 2024, "The Specification of a Computational Model of Physical Activity Habit", Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 52, (3), pp. 102--107
  • Jingchuan Wu, Jenny L Olson, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2024, "Wearable device adherence among insufficiently-active young adults is independent of identity and motivation for physical activity", Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 47, (2), pp. 197--206
  • David E Conroy, Jingchuan Wu, Alexandra M Lee, Deborah Brunke-Reese and Constantino M Lagoa, 2023, "Dose--response relations between the frequency of two types of momentary feedback prompts and daily physical activity.", Health Psychology, 42, (3), pp. 151
  • Alexandra M Lee, Sahar Hojjatinia, Jimikaye B Courtney, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2023, "Motivational Message Framing Effects on Physical Activity Dynamics in a Digital Messaging Intervention: Secondary Analysis", JMIR Formative Research, 7, (1), pp. e41414
  • Davide Simeone, Marta Lenatti, Constantino M Lagoa, Karim Keshavjee, Aziz Guergachi, Fabrizio Dabbene and Alessia Paglialonga, 2023, "Multi-Input Multi-Output Dynamic Modelling of Type 2 Diabetes Progression", Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 309, pp. 228--232
  • Sayan Samanta, Constantino M Lagoa and Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri, 2023, "Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Droop-Based Grid Forming Converters Providing Fast Frequency Support", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
  • Omar M Sleem and Constantino M Lagoa, 2023, "Parsimonious System Identification from Fragmented Quantized Measurements", International Journal of Control, (just-accepted), pp. 1
  • IE Bardakci, A Jalilzadeh, Constantino M Lagoa and UV Shanbhag, 2023, "Probability maximization via Minkowski functionals: convex representations and tractable resolution", Mathematical programming, 199, (1-2), pp. 595--637
  • Omar M Sleem, Mohamed Salah Ibrahim, Akshay Malhotra, Mihaela Beluri and Constantino M Lagoa, 2023, "Unsupervised Learning for Reference Signals Overhead Reduction in 3GPP MIMO Systems", IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking
  • Jingchuan Wu, Jenny L Olson, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2023, "Wearable device adherence among insufficiently-active young adults is independent of identity and motivation for physical activity", Journal of Behavioral Medicine, pp. 1--10
  • Sahar Hojjatinia, Alexandra M Lee, Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa, Deborah Brunke-Reese and David E Conroy, 2022, "Physical Activity Dynamics During a Digital Messaging Intervention Changed After the Pandemic Declaration", Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 56, (11), pp. 1188-1198
  • David E Conroy, Gary G Bennett, Constantino M Lagoa and Kathleen Y Wolin, 2022, "Steps towards digital tools for personalised physical activity promotion", British journal of sports medicine, 56, (8), pp. 424--425
  • Davi A. Santos and Constantino M Lagoa, 2022, "Wayset-based guidance of multirotor aerial vehicles using robust tube-based model predictive control", ISA Transactions, 128, pp. 123-135
  • Jenny L. Olson, Scherezade K. Mama, Deborah Brunke-Reese, Constantino M Lagoa, Chris N. Sciamanna and David E Conroy, 2022, "Broad versus narrow bandwidth measures of experienced automaticity for physical activity", Psychology \& Health, 0, (0), pp. 1-17
  • Sayan Samanta, Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri and Constantino M Lagoa, 2022, "Fast Frequency Support from Grid-forming Converters Under dc-and ac-side Current Limits", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
  • Martina Mammarella, Abdulelah Altamimi, Mohammadreza Chamanbaz, Fabrizio Dabbene and Constantino M Lagoa, 2022, "Fast Stochastic MPC Implementation via Policy Learning", IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, pp. 3020--3025
  • Abdulelah Altamimi, Constantino M Lagoa, Borges, Jos\'e G, Marc E Mc Dill, C Andriotis and KG Papakonstantinou, 2022, "Large-Scale Wildfire Mitigation Through Deep Reinforcement Learning", Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5
  • Sahar Hojjatinia, Elyse R. Daly, Timothy Hnat, Syed Monowar Hossain, Santosh Kumar, Constantino M Lagoa, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Shahin Alan Samiei, Bonnie Spring and David E Conroy, 2021, "Dynamic models of stress-smoking responses based on high-frequency sensor data", npj Digital Medicine, 4, (1), pp. 1--11
  • Chiara Ravazzi, Fabrizio Dabbene, Constantino M Lagoa and Anton V. Proskurnikov, 2021, "Learning Hidden Influences in Large-Scale Dynamical Social Networks: A Data-Driven Sparsity-Based Approach, in Memory of Roberto Tempo", IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 41, (5), pp. 61--103
  • David E Conroy, Gary G Bennett, Constantino M Lagoa and Kathleen Y Wolin, 2021, "Steps towards digital tools for personalised physical activity promotion", British Journal of Sports Medicine, pp. bjsports--2021--104169
  • Chiara Ravazzi, Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2021, "Ergodic Opinion Dynamics over Networks: Learning Influences from Partial Observations", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66, (6), pp. 2709--2723
  • Taylor B. Turrisi, Kelsey M. Bittel, Ashley B. West, Sarah Hojjatinia, Sahar Hojjatinia, Scherezade K. Mama, Constantino M Lagoa and David E Conroy, 2021, "Seasons, weather, and device-measured movement behaviors: a scoping review from 2006 to 2020", International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 18, (1), pp. 1--26
  • Sarah Hojjatinia, Sahar Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa, Deborah Brunke-Reese and David E Conroy, 2021, "Person-Specific Dose-Finding for a Digital Messaging Intervention to Promote Physical Activity", Health Psychology, 40, (8), pp. 502--512
  • David E Conroy, Constantino M Lagoa, Eric Hekler and Daniel E. Rivera, 2020, "Engineering Person-Specific Behavioral Interventions to Promote Physical Activity", Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 48, (4), pp. 170--179
  • Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2020, "Identification of switched autoregressive exogenous systems from large noisy datasets", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 30, (15), pp. 5777--5801
  • Umberto Saetti, Joseph F Horn, Sagar Lakhmani, Constantino M Lagoa and Tom Berger, 2020, "Design of dynamic inversion and explicit model following flight control laws for quadrotor UAS", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 65, (3)
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Seshadhri Srinivasan, Ethan Png, Rong Su and Constantino M Lagoa, 2020, "Recursive approximation of complex behaviours with IoT-data imperfections", IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 7, (3), pp. 656--667
  • David E Conroy, Chih Hsiang Yang, Stephanie T Lanza, Joshua Morrison Smyth and Constantino M Lagoa, 2020, "Temporal dynamics of treatment receipt in a text message intervention for physical activity: Single-group, within-person trial", JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8, (4), pp. e14270
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Michael Russell, Constantino M Lagoa, Rong Su, Mario Sznaier, Stephanie T Lanza and Candice L. Odgers, 2020, "Continuous-time model identification: application on a behavioural (miLife) study", International Journal of Control
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Michael Russell, Constantino M Lagoa, Rong Su, Mario Sznaier, Stephanie T Lanza and Candice L. Odgers, 2020, "Continuous-time model identification: application on a behavioural (miLife) study", International Journal of Control, pp. 1--12
  • Jingyao Wang, Mahmoud Ashour, Constantino M Lagoa, Necdet S Aybat and Hao Che, 2019, "A fully distributed traffic allocation algorithm for nonconcave utility maximization in connectionless communication networks", Automatica, 109
  • Mahmoud Ashour, Jingyao Wang, Necdet S Aybat, Constantino M Lagoa and Hao Che, 2019, "End-to-End Distributed Flow Control for Networks with Nonconcave Utilities", IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 6, (3), pp. 303--313
  • Kaveri Mahapatra, Mahmoud Ashour, Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri and Constantino M Lagoa, 2019, "Malicious Corruption Resilience in PMU Data and Wide-Area Damping Control", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, pp. 1--1
  • Mohammadreza Chamanbaz, Fabrizio Dabbene and Constantino M Lagoa, 2019, "Probabilistically Robust AC Optimal Power Flow", IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 6, (3), pp. 1135--1147
  • David E Conroy, Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa, Chih Hsiang Yang, Stephanie T Lanza and Joshua Morrison Smyth, 2019, "Personalized models of physical activity responses to text message micro-interventions: A proof-of-concept application of control systems engineering methods", Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 41, pp. 172--180
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, M. Ayazoglu, Constantino M Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2018, "Hankel Matrix Rank as Indicator of Ghost in Bearing-Only Tracking", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 54, (6), pp. 2713-2723
  • B. Yilmaz, Korkut Bekiroglu, Constantino M Lagoa and M. Sznaier, 2018, "A Randomized Algorithm for Parsimonious Model Identification", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63, (2), pp. 532-539
  • Mingyuan Chen, Xiaocong Li, Constantino M Lagoa, Lanmei Cong and Junhua Xu, 2018, "Applying sum-of-squares decomposition technique to power system robust control problem", IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13, (2), pp. 218-225
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Okan Duru, Emrah Gulay, Rong Su and Constantino M Lagoa, 2018, "Predictive analytics of crude oil prices by utilizing the intelligent model search engine", Applied Energy, 228, pp. 2387 - 2397
  • Mohammad Rasouli and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "A nonlinear term selection method for improving synchronous machine parameters estimation", International Journal of Electrical Power \& Energy Systems, 85, pp. 77--86
  • Kshitij Jerath, Sean N Brennan and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "Bridging the gap between sensor noise modeling and sensor characterization", Measurement
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Constantino M Lagoa, Suzan A Murphy and Stephanie T Lanza, 2017, "Control Engineering Methods for the Design of Robust Behavioral Treatments", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 25, (3), pp. 979--990
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Michael Russell, Constantino M Lagoa, Stephanie T Lanza and Megan E Piper, 2017, "Evaluating the effect of smoking cessation treatment on a complex dynamical system", Drug \& Alcohol Dependence, 180, pp. 215--222
  • Fabrizio Dabbene, Didier Henrion and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "Simple approximations of semialgebraic sets and their applications to control", Automatica, 78, pp. 110--118
  • Ilker Boz, Korkut Bekiroglu, Mansour Solaimanian, Pezhouhan Tavassoti-Kheiry and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "Validation of Model Order Assumption and Noise Reduction Method for the Impact Resonance Testing of Asphalt Concrete", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 36, (3), pp. 58
  • Wenjing Su, Constantino M Lagoa and Hao Che, 2016, "Optimization-based, QoS-aware distributed traffic control laws for networks with time-varying link capacities", Automatica, 72, pp. 158–165
  • C. Feng and Constantino M Lagoa, 2016, "Distributional Robustness Analysis for Nonlinear Uncertainty Structures", Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, 61, (7), pp. 1900-1905
  • Wenjing Su, Chunyu Liu, Constantino M Lagoa, Hao Che, Ke Xu and Yong Cui, 2015, "Integrated, Distributed Traffic Control in Multidomain Networks", Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 23, (4), pp. 1373-1386
  • E.I. Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "Vehicle Localization Using In-Vehicle Pitch Data and Dynamical Models", Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 16, (1), pp. 206-220
  • A. M. Jasour, Necdet S Aybat and Constantino M Lagoa, 2015, "Semidefinite Programming For Chance Constrained Optimization Over Semialgebraic Sets", SIAM Journal on Optimization, 25, (3), pp. 1411-1440
  • N Ozay, Constantino M Lagoa and M Sznaier, 2015, "Set membership identification of switched linear systems with known number of subsystems", Automatica, 51, pp. 180–191
  • Constantino M Lagoa, K Bekiroglu, Stephanie T Lanza and S A Murphy, 2014, "Designing adaptive intensive interventions using methods from engineering.", Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 82, (5), pp. 868-78
  • N Ozay, M Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2014, "Convex Certificates for Model (In)validation of Switched Affine Systems With Unknown Switches", Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, 59, pp. 2921-2932
  • N. Ozay, M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and O. Camps, 2012, "A Sparsification Approach to Set Membership Identification of a Class of Affine Hybrid Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57, (3), pp. 634-648
  • Chao Feng, F. Dabbene and Constantino M Lagoa, 2011, "A Kinship Function Approach to Robust and Probabilistic Optimization Under Polynomial Uncertainty", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56, (7), pp. 1509-1523
  • Lei Ye, Zhijun Wang, Hao Che and Constantino M Lagoa, 2011, "TERSE: A Unified End-to-End Traffic Control Mechanism to Enable Elastic, Delay Adaptive, and Rate Adaptive Services", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 29, (5), pp. 938-950
  • L. Ye, Z. Wang, H. Che, H. Chan and Constantino M Lagoa, 2009, "Utility function of TCP", Computer Communications, 32, (5), pp. 800-805
  • Constantino M Lagoa, F. Dabbene and R. Tempo, 2008, "Hard Bound on Probability of Performance with Applications to Circuit Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 55, (10), pp. 3178-3187
  • M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and N. Ozay, 2007, "Risk-adjusted output feedback receding horizon control of constrained linear parameter varying systems", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 17, (17), pp. 1614-1633
  • B. A. Movsichoff, Constantino M Lagoa and Hao Che, 2007, "End-to-End Optimal Algorithms for Integrated QoS, Traffic Engineering, and Failure Recovery", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15, (4), pp. 813-823
  • Wenjing Ma, Mario Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2007, "A risk adjusted approach to robust simultaneous fault detection and isolation", Automatica, 43, (3), pp. 499-504
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Jinbo Fu and Asok Ray, 2005, "Robust optimal control of regular languages", Automatica, 41, (8), pp. 1439-1445
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Xiang Li and Mairo Sznaier, 2005, "Probabilistically constrained linear programs and risk-adjusted controller design", SIAM Journal on Optimization, 15, (3), pp. 938-951
  • Mario Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and Maria Cecilia Mazzaro, 2005, "An algorithm for sampling subsets of $\scr H\sb \infty$ with applications to risk-adjusted performance analysis and model (in)validation", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50, (3), pp. 410-416
  • Bernardo Movsichoff, Constantino M Lagoa and Hao Che, 2005, "Decentralized optimal traffic engineering in connectionless networks", IEEE Journal on elected Areas in Communications, 23, (2), pp. 293-303

Conference Proceedings

  • Martina Mammarella, Cesare Donati, Fabrizio Dabbene, Carlo Novara and Constantino M Lagoa, 2024, "A Blended Physics-Based and Black-Box Identification Approach for Spacecraft Inertia Estimation", pp. 6301--6306
  • Cesare Donati, Martina Mammarella, Fabrizio Dabbene, Carlo Novara and Constantino M Lagoa, 2024, "One-shot backpropagation for multi-step prediction in physics-based system identification", pp. 6301--6306
  • Peixuan Zhang, Uday V Shanbhag, Constantino M Lagoa and Ibrahim E Bardakci, 2023, "Global Resolution of Chance-Constrained Optimization Problems: Minkowski Functionals and Monotone Inclusions", pp. 6301--6306
  • Omar M. Sleem and Constantino M Lagoa, 2021, "Parsimonious System Identification from Quantized Observations", pp. 846-851
  • Sayan Samanta, Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri and Constantino M Lagoa, 2021, "Quantifiable Frequency Support from Grid-Forming Converters with DC-side Current Limits in Grids with Synchronous Generators", pp. 5681-5688
  • Mohammadreza Chamanbaz, Mario Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2020, "Probabilistic Discrete Time Robust H2 Controller Design", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-December, pp. 2240--2245
  • Zhijun Wang, Akshit Singhal, Yunxiang Wu, Chuwen Zhang, Hao Che, Hong Jiang, Bin Liu and Constantino M Lagoa, 2020, "HOLNET: A Holistic Traffic Control Framework for Datacenter Networks", IEEE Computer Society, 2020-October
  • M. E. Ashour and Constantino M Lagoa, 2020, "A Distributed Algorithm for Nonconvex Quadratically Constrained Programs"
  • Sarah Hojjatinia and Constantino M Lagoa, 2020, "Identication of Markov Jump Autoregressive Processes from Large Noisy Data Sets"
  • Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2019, "Identification of Switched Autoregressive Systems from Large Noisy Data Sets", IEEE, pp. 4313--4319
  • Sahar Hojjatinia and Constantino M Lagoa, 2019, "Comparison of Different Spike Sorting Subtechniques Based on Rat Brain Basolateral Amygdala Neuronal Activity"
  • Ibrahim Ekrem Bardakci and Constantino M Lagoa, 2019, "Distributionally Robust Portfolio Optimization"
  • Mahmoud Ashour, Constantino M Lagoa and Necdet S Aybat, 2019, "Lp Quasi-Norm Minimization"
  • C. Ravazzi, Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2018, "Randomized opinion dynamics over networks: influence estimation from partial observations", pp. 2452-2457
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, S. Srinivasan, R. Su, Constantino M Lagoa and K. Poolla, 2018, "Recursive Parsimonious System Identification Algorithm for Dynamical Systems", pp. 1520-1525
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, O. Duru, S. Srinivasan, R. Su, Constantino M Lagoa and J. Li, 2018, "Governing Dynamics of Crude Oil and LNG Prices", pp. 872-877
  • S. Hojjatinia, Korkut Bekiroglu and Constantino M Lagoa, 2018, "Parsimonious Volterra System Identification", pp. 1933-1938
  • I. E. Bardakci, Constantino M Lagoa and U. V. Shanbhag, 2018, "Probability Maximization with Random Linear Inequalities: Alternative Formulations and Stochastic Approximation Schemes", pp. 1396-1401
  • Umberto Saetti, Tom Berger, Joseph Horn, Constantino M Lagoa and Sagar Lakhmani, 2018, "Design of Dynamic Inversion and Explicit Model Following Control Laws for Quadrotor Inner and Outer Loops"
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Luca Zaccarian and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2017, "A distributed algorithm with consistency for PageRank-like linear algebraic systems", Elsevier, 50, (1), pp. 5172--5177
  • Dule Shu and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "A linear temporal logic based approach for vehicle motion planning", pp. 25--30
  • Sarah Hojjatinia, Constantino M Lagoa and Fabrizio Dabbene, 2017, "A Method for Identification of Markovian Jump ARX Processes", Elsevier, 50, (1), pp. 14088--14093
  • Dule Shu, Constantino M Lagoa and Timothy P Cleary, 2017, "A Sum-of-Squares Polynomial Approach for Road Anomaly Detection Using Vehicle Sensor Measurements", pp. V002T17A004--V002T17A004
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Seshadhri Srinivasan, Ethan Png, Rong Su, Kameshwar Poolla and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "An Internet of Things compliant model identification methodology for smart buildings"
  • Jingyao Wang, Mahmoud Ashour, Constantino M Lagoa, Necdet S Aybat, Hao Che and Zhisheng Duan, 2017, "Non-Concave Network Utility Maximization in Connectionless Networks: A Fully Distributed Traffic Allocation Algorithm"
  • Mahmoud Ashour, Jingyao Wang, Constantino M Lagoa, Necdet S Aybat and Hao Che, 2017, "Non-concave network utility maximization: A distributed optimization approach", pp. 1--9
  • Y Cheng, B Ozbay, M Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2017, "Suboptimal l8? l8 Control of Switched Linear Models: a Superstability Approach", Elsevier, 50, (1), pp. 14380--14385
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Constantino M Lagoa, Stephanie T Lanza and Mario Sznaier, 2017, "System Identification Algorithm for Non-Uniformly Sampled Data", Elsevier, 50, (1), pp. 7296--7301
  • Ibrahim Bardakci, Ji-Woong Lee and Constantino M Lagoa, 2016, "Robust stabilization of discrete-time piecewise affine systems subject to bounded disturbances"
  • Ashkan Jasour and Constantino M Lagoa, 2016, "Convex Chance Constrained Model Predictive Control"
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Mustafa Ayazoglu, Constantino M Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2016, "An Efficient Approach to the Radar Ghost Elimination Problem", pp. 6
  • Octavia Camps, Constantino M Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2016, "The role of sparsity and dynamics in extracting information sparsely encoded in very large data sets"
  • Mahmoud Ashour, Korkut Bekiroglu, Chih-Hsiang Yang, Constantino M Lagoa, David E Conroy, Joshua Morrison Smyth and Stephanie T Lanza, 2016, "On the mathematical modeling of the effect of treatment on human physical activity"
  • Fabrizio Dabbene, Didier Henrion, Constantino M Lagoa and Pavel Shcherbakov, 2015, "Randomized Approximations of the Image Set of Nonlinear Mappings with Applications to Filtering", pp. 6
  • Yongfang Cheng, Mario Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2015, "Robust Superstabilizing Controller Design from Open-Loop Experimental Input/Output Data", pp. 6
  • Korkut Bekiroglu, Constantino M Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2015, "Parsimonious Model Identification of MIMO Systems Using Atomic Norm Minimization", pp. 6
  • M Sznaier, O Camps, N Ozay and Constantino M Lagoa, 2014, "Surviving the Upcoming Data Deluge: A Systems and Control Perspective", pp. 1488-1498
  • K Bekiroglu, B Yilmaz, Constantino M Lagoa and M Sznaier, 2014, "Parsimonious model identification via atomic norm minimization", pp. 2392-2397
  • F Dabbene, D Henrion and Constantino M Lagoa, 2014, "Uniform sample generation in semialgebraic sets", pp. 5177-5182
  • N T , Constantino M Lago and, J W , 2014, "Random Geometric Graphs as a Model for Bounding the Endurance of Soaring Aircraft", pp. 248-253
  • A M Jasour and Constantino M Lagoa, 2014, "Reconstruction of Support of a Measure From Its Moments", pp. 1911-1916
  • E Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and S Brennan, 2014, "Robust data map design using chance constrained optimization", pp. 4573-4580
  • E Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and S Brennan, 2014, "Multi-Attribute Data Dynamics Discontinuity Identification: a Probabilistic Approach using Linear Modeling", pp. 5666-5673
  • E. Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and S. Brennan, 2013, "Robust Map Design by Outlier Point Selection for Terrain-Based Vehicle Localization", Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2822-2827
  • K. Bekiroglu, M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and B. Shafai, 2013, "Vision based control of an autonomous blimp with actuator saturation using pulse-width modulation", 2013 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), pp. 1036-1041
  • and Constantino M Lagoa, 2013, "Convex Relaxations of a Probabilistically Robust Control Design Problem", Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • K. Bekirolu, Constantino M Lagoa, S. Murphy, A. Suzan and S. Lanza, 2013, "A Robust MPC Approach to the Design of Treatments", Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • B. Yilmaz, Constantino M Lagoa and M. Sznaier, 2013, "An Efficient Atomic Norm Minimization Approach to Identification of Low Order Models", Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • F. Xiong, Y. Cheng, O. Camps, M. Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2013, "Hankel Based Maximum Margin Classifiers: A Connection between Machine Learning and Wiener Systems Identification", Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • Y. Cheng, Y. Wang, M. Sznaier, N. Ozay and Constantino M Lagoa, 2012, "A convex optimization approach to model (in)validation of switched ARX systems with unknown switches", 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Proceedings of Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 6284-6290
  • Emil Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and Sean Brennan, 2012, "Terrain-based vehicle localization from real-time data using dynamical models", 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Proceedings of Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 3366-3371
  • A. M. Jasour and Constantino M Lagoa, 2012, "Semidefinite relaxations of chance constrained algebraic problems", 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Proceedings of Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 2257-2532
  • C. Feng, Constantino M Lagoa and M. Sznaier, 2012, "A convex approach to generalized fixed order interpolation", Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 5174-5181
  • Chao Feng, Constantino M Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2011, "Identifying Stable Fixed Order Systems from Time and Frequency Response Data", Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference
  • B. Yilmaz, M. Ayazoglu, M. Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2011, "Convex Relaxations for Robust Identification of Wiener Systems and Applications", Proceedings of the Joint 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference
  • S. Kadetotad, P. Vemuapalli, S. Brennan and Constantino M Lagoa, 2011, "Terrain-Aided Localization Using Feature-Based Particle Filtering", Proceedings of 4th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Constantino M. Lagoa and Mario Sznaier, 2010, "Hybrid System Identification via Sparse Polynomial Optimization", Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference
  • Mustafa Ayazoglu, Mario Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and Octavia I. Camps, 2010, "A Moments-Based Approach To Estimation and Data Interpolation for a Class of Wiener Systems", Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • Chao Feng, Constantino M Lagoa, Necmiye Ozay and Mario Sznaier, 2010, "Hybrid System Identification: An SDP Approach", Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • Necmiye Ozay, Mario Sznaier and Constantino M Lagoa, 2010, "Model (In)validation of Switched ARX Systems with Unknown Switches and its Application to Activity Monitoring", Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • Fabrizio Dabbene, Pavel Shcherbakov and Constantino M Lagoa, 2010, "On the Complexity of Randomized Approximations of Nonconvex Sets", Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control
  • Necmiye Ozay, Mario Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and Octavia Camps, 2010, "GPCA with Denoising: A Moments-Based Convex Approach", Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
  • C. Feng and Constantino M Lagoa, 2009, "Distributional Robustness Analysis for Polynomial Uncertainty", Proceedings of 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • N. Ozay, Constantino M Lagoa and M. Sznaier, 2009, "Robust Identification of Switched Affine Systems via Moments-Based Convex Optimization", Proceedings of 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • F. Dabbene, C. Feng and Constantino M Lagoa, 2009, "Robust and Chance-Constrained Optimization under Polynomial Uncertainty", Proceedings of the 2009 American Control Conference
  • W. Su, Constantino M Lagoa and H. Che, 2007, "A Family of Optimization-Based Traffic Control Laws for Overlay Networks", Proceedings of 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5710-5715
  • F. Dabbene, C. Feng and Constantino M Lagoa, 2007, "Robust LMIs with Polynomial Dependence on the Uncertainty", Proceedings of 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5646-5651
  • M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and W. Ma, 2007, "Risk Adjusted Identification of a Class of Nonlinear Systems", Proceedings of 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5117-5122
  • M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and N. Ozay, 2007, "Risk Adjusted Output Feedback Receding Horizon Control of Constrained Linear Parameter Varying Systems", Proceedings of 2007 European Control Conference
  • I. Ghosh, H. Che, Constantino M Lagoa, M. Kumar and S. Das, 2007, "SoS: A Service Oriented Scalable Traffic Control Architecture for Future Internet", IEEE ICC Workshop on Traffic Engineering in Next Generation IP Networks
  • N. Ozay, M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa and O. Camps, 2007, "A sparsification approach to set membership identification of a class of affine hybrid systems", Proceedings of 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 123-130
  • H. Che, M. Gupta, S. Velayutham, Constantino M Lagoa and Z. Wang, 2006, "INTESER: A Integrated Solution to Provide QoS, Traffic Engineering, and Fault Tolerance in an MPLS Network", 18th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS)
  • Y. Cui, H. Che, Constantino M Lagoa and Z. Zheng, 2006, "A Least Interference Path Algorithm for MPLS Traffic Engineering", The 3rd International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC-06)
  • H. Che, W. Su, Constantino M Lagoa, K. Xu, C. Liu and Y. Cui, 2006, "An Integrated, Distributed Traffic Control Strategy for the Future Internet", The ACM SIGCOMM INM Workshop 2006
  • Jialing Chen and Constantino M Lagoa, 2006, "Robust Observer Design for a Class of Switched Systems", 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2006
  • Fabrizio Dabbene, Constantino M Lagoa and Roberto Tempo, 2006, "Computing Hard Bounds for Probabilistic Robustness", 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • Jianling Chen and Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "Observer Design for a Class of Switched Systems", 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference. CDC-ECC '05, pp. 2945-2950
  • Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "On the Design of Optimal and Robust Supervisors for Deterministic Finite State Automata", 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2005 and 2005 European Control Conference. CDC-ECC '05, pp. 2745-2750
  • Jialing Chen and Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "On the Design of Discrete-Time Fixed-Order Controllers for Persistent Disturbance Rejection", 16th IFAC World Congress
  • Mario Sznaier, Wenjing Ma and Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "A Risk Adjusted Approach to Robust Simultaneous Fault Detection and Isolation", 16th IFAC World Congress
  • Mario Sznaier, Wenjing Ma, Muhittin Yilmaz and Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "Semi--Blind Robust Identification/Model (In)Validation with Applications to Macro--Economic Modelling", 16th IFAC World Congress


  • E Laftchiev, Constantino M Lagoa and S Brennan, 2014, "Vehicle Localization Using In-Vehicle Pitch Data and Dynamical Models", Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on
  • Timothy Gilmour, Thyagarajan Subramanian, Constantino M Lagoa and W. Kenneth Jenkins, , "Multiscale autoregressive identification of neuro-electrophysiological systems", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
  • F. Dabbene, C. Feng and Constantino M Lagoa, , "Robust and Chance-Constrained Optimization under Polynomial Uncertainty"


  • C. Feng, N. Ozay, Constantino M Lagoa and M. Sznaier, 2011, "Identification and Model (In)validation of Switched ARX Systems: Moment-Based Approaches"
  • Constantino M Lagoa, 2007, "Robust Controller/Observer Design for a Class of Hybrid LPV Systems"
  • Constantino M Lagoa, 2006, "On the Convexity of Probabilistically Constrained Linear Programs"
  • M. Sznaier, Constantino M Lagoa, X. Li and A. A. Stoorvogel, 2006, "Risk adjusted receding horizon control of constrained linear parameter varying systems", pp. 293-312
  • Asok Ray, Jinbo Fu and Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "Optimal Supervisory Control of Regular Languages", pp. 39-70
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Jinbo Fu and Asok Ray, 2005, "Robust optimal control of regular languages", pp. 71-94
  • Constantino M Lagoa, Xiang Li, Maria Cecilia Mazzaro and Mario Sznaier, 2005, "Sampling Random Transfer Functions", pp. 331-364
  • Constantino M Lagoa, 2005, "A sliding mode approach to traffic engineering in computer networks", pp. 111-136

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


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The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was created in the spring of 2015 to allow greater access to courses offered by both departments for undergraduate and graduate students in exciting collaborative research fields.

We offer B.S. degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering and data science and graduate degrees (master's degrees and Ph.D.'s) in electrical engineering and computer science and engineering. EECS focuses on the convergence of technologies and disciplines to meet today’s industrial demands.

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The Pennsylvania State University

207 Electrical Engineering West

University Park, PA 16802


Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Department of Electrical Engineering
