Photo of Jeffrey Schiano

Jeffrey Schiano

Associate Professor


  • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering

227D Electrical Engineering West


Research Areas:

Control and Decision Systems

Interest Areas:

Feedback control systems; nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR); optimization of NQR detection systems using feedback control; high-temperature superconducting NQR probes; contraband detection using NQR; feedback control of quantum mechanical processes.





Journal Articles

  • Mark D Bird, William W Brey, Timothy A Cross, Ian R Dixon, Adrian Griffin, Scott T Hannahs, John Kynoch, Ilya M Litvak, Jeffrey L Schiano and Jack Toth, 2018, "Commissioning of the 36 T Series-Connected Hybrid Magnet at the NHMFL", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28, (3), pp. 6
  • Zhehong Gan, Ivan Hung, Xiaoling Wang, Joana Paulino, Gang Wu, Ilya M Litvak, Peter L Gor'kov, William W Brey, Pietro Lendi, Jeffrey L Schiano, Mark D Bird, Iain R Dixon, Jack Toth, Gregory S Boebinger and Timothy A Cross, 2017, "NMR spectroscopy up to 35.2 T using a series-connected hybrid magnet", Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 284, pp. 11
  • Mark Ginsberg, Jeffrey L Schiano, Megan Kramer and Marianne Alleyne, 2013, "A Case Study in Bio-inspired Engineering Design: Defense Applications of Exoskeletal Sensors", Defense & Security Analysis, 29, pp. 156-169
  • M. Li, Jeffrey L Schiano, J. Samra and W. Brey, 2011, "Reduction of Temporal Magnetic Field Fluctuations in High Field Resistive Magnets using Inductive Measurements and Sampled-Data Feedback Control", Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 212, pp. 254-264
  • L. Sun, C. M. Collins, Jeffrey L Schiano, M. B. Smith and N. B. Smith, 2005, "Adaptive real-time closed-loop temperature control for ultrasound hyperthermia using magnetic resonance thermometry", Concepts In Magnetic Resonance Part B-Magnetic Resonance Engineering, 27B

Conference Proceedings

  • Dustin M. Seltzer and Jeffrey L Schiano, 2022, "Batch-Least Squares System Identification Algorithm for 2D Repetitive Process Models", pp. 6
  • Waroch Tangbampensountorn, J L Schiano, Ilya M. Litvak and William W Brey, 2022, "Towards Improving Field Regulation in the 35.2 T Series-Connected Hybrid Magnet", pp. 1
  • Ilya M Litvak, Joana Paulino, Adrian Griffith, Peter L Gorkov, J L Schiano, Zhehong Gan, Ivan Hung, Xiaoling Wang, Timothy A Cross, William W Brey and Mark D Bird, 2017, "The 36 T SCH magnet at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory achieves 1.0 ppm homogeneity", pp. 1
  • Jeffrey L Schiano, 2012, "Design Tools: The Sophomore Course in a Four-year Design Sequence", Proceedings of the 2012 ASEE Annual Conference
  • Jeffrey L Schiano, 2012, "A Four-year Vertically Integrated Design Sequence in Electrical Engineering", Proceedings of the 2012 ASEE Annual Conference
  • Benjamin McPheron, Jeffrey Schiano, Brian Thomson, Wiliam Brey and Kiran Shetty, , "Demonstration of 2D NMR Spectroscopy in a Powered Magnet at 25 T Using Cascade Field Regulation"
  • Benjamin D McPheron, Jeffrey L Schiano, Ilya M. Litvak, William W and Brey, , "Accommodation of Pulsed Field Gradients with Cascade Field Regulation in Powered Magnets", IEEE, 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was created in the spring of 2015 to allow greater access to courses offered by both departments for undergraduate and graduate students in exciting collaborative research fields.

We offer B.S. degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering and data science and graduate degrees (master's degrees and Ph.D.'s) in electrical engineering and computer science and engineering. EECS focuses on the convergence of technologies and disciplines to meet today’s industrial demands.

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The Pennsylvania State University

207 Electrical Engineering West

University Park, PA 16802


Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Department of Electrical Engineering
