Photo of Julio Urbina

Julio Urbina



  • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering

330 Electrical Engineering East


Research Areas:

Electromagnetics; Remote Sensing and Space Systems





Journal Articles

  • Julio Urbina, 2025, "New and Emerging Directions in the Fields of Antennas and Propagation", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
  • Yanlin Li, N Zhu, M Ahmed, Julio Urbina, Tai-Yin Huang and P Wong, 2024, "Three-dimensional computer vision for exploring heterogeneity in collective Cancer Invasion", Scientific reports, 14
  • Diego Penaloza-Aponte, Sarabeth Brandt and Julio Urbina, 2024, "Automated entrance monitoring to investigate honey bee foraging trips using open-source wireless platform and fiducial tags", Hardware X, 20, (Article e00609)
  • Joshua Benjestorf,, Vincent Pascucci, Julio Urbina and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "The Non-Metallic Electrical Connector: A New Connector Technology Based on Wireless Power Transfer", IEEE Access, 12
  • Yanlin Li, Tai-Yin Huang, Julio Urbina, Fabio Vargas and W Feng, 2024, "On the relationship between the mesospheric sodium layer and the meteoric input function", Ann. Geophy, 42
  • Mark Clemente-Arenas, Ruth E Rubio-Noriega, Julio Urbina and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Non-metallic magnetostatically tunable metasurface absorber for terahertz waves", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 41, (3)
  • Salih Bostan, Julio Urbina, John Mathews, Ross L. Dinsmore and R. M. Robinson, 2023, "Multi-instrument Study of a Spread-F event at Arecibo Linked to Solar Wind Variations", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 249
  • Sven Eckard, S A Dasari, E Collins, R Behrend, Julio Urbina and H Krause, 2023, "Effects of Microwaves on Burning Velocity, UV–VIS-Spectra, and Exhaust Gas Composition of Premixed Propane Flames", Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, (1)
  • Yanlin Li, Freddy Galindo, Julio Urbina, Qihou Zhou and Tai-Yin Huang, 2023, "A Machine Learning Algorithm to Detect and Analyze Meteor Echoes Observed by the Jicamarca Radar", Remote Sensing, 15, (16)
  • Yanlin Li, F. Galindo, Julio Urbina, Qihou Zhou and Tai-Yin Huang, 2022, "Meteor detection with a new computer vision approach", Radio Science
  • Yanlin Li, Qihou Zhou, Julio Urbina and Tai-Yin Huang, 2022, "Sporadic micro-meteoroid source radiant distribution inferred from the Arecibo 430 MHz radar observations", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515, (2), pp. 2088-2098
  • Margarita M Lopez-Uribe, Julio Urbina, Alfonso I Mejia, Luis O Duque, Diego Riaño-Jiménez, Jose Ricardo Cure, Victor Ramos, Carlos Martel, Jose D Fuentes and Victor H González, 2022, "Creating a Virtual International Research Experience", American Entomologist, 68, (1), pp. 24-27
  • Omar Alzaabi, Mohammad M. Al-Khaldi, Kenneth Ayotte, Diego Penaloza, Julio Urbina, James K Breakall, Michael T Lanagan, Harland M Patch and Christina M Grozinger, 2022, "Numerical Modeling and Measurement of Apis Mellifera Radar Scattering Properties", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19, pp. 5
  • Kiran Mujeeb, Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Julio Urbina, 2022, "Grating-coupled excitation of high-phase-speed Dyakonov surface waves", JOSA B, 39, (2), pp. 474-480
  • Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Sven Bilen, Julio Urbina, Randall G Bock, Peter G Burkett and Joseph P Portelli, 2022, "GeoPebbles: design and implementation of a wireless sensor network of GPS-enabled seismic sensors for the study of glaciers and ice sheets", Geosciences (Switzerland), 12, (1), pp. 20
  • Kiran Mujeeb, Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Julio Urbina, 2021, "Surface-plasmonic sensor using a columnar thin film in the grating-coupled configuration [Invited]", Chinese Optics Letters, 19, (8)
  • Freddy Galindo, Julio Urbina and Lars Dyrud, 2021, "Effect of neutral wind speeds on the creation of meteor trail echoes", Annales Geophysicae, 39, (4), pp. 14
  • Kiran Mujeeb, Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Julio Urbina, 2021, "Theory of grating-coupled excitation of Dyakonov surface waves", Optical Engineering, 59, (7)
  • Ross Dinsmore, J.D. Mathews, Anthea Coster, R.M. Robinson, Sumanta Sarkhel, Philip J. Erickson and Julio Urbina, 2021, "Multi-instrument observations of SCIPS: 1. ISR and GPS TEC results", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 213, pp. 105515
  • Ross Dinsmore, J.D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2021, "General resource for ionospheric transient investigations (GRITI): An open-source code developed in support of the Dinsmore et al. (2021) results", MethodsX, 8
  • Yolián Amaro-Rivera, Fabio Vargas, Tai-Yin Huang and Julio Urbina, 2021, "Unusual Intensity Patterns of OH(6,2) and O(1S) Airglow Driven by Long-Period Waves Observed Over the Andes Lidar Observatory", Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, (2)
  • Kiran Mujeeb, Muhammad Faryad, Julio Urbina and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Effect of orientation on excitation of surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by a columnar thin film deposited on a metal grating", Optical Engineering, 59, (5)
  • Ryan Seal and Julio Urbina, 2020, "GnuRadar: An Open-Source Software Defined Radio Receiver Platform for Radar Applications", IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 35, (2)
  • Salih Bostan, Julio Urbina, John Mathews, Sven Bilen and James Breakall, 2019, "An HF Software-Defined Radar to Study Ionospheric Plasma Instabilities", Radio Science, pp. 9
  • Peng Liu, Jesus Mendoza, Hanxiong Hu, Peter G. Burkett, Julio Urbina, Sridhar Anandakrishnan and Sven Bilen, 2019, "Software-Defined Radar Systems for Polar Ice-Sheet Research", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12, (3), pp. 803-820
  • Yolian Amaro-Rivera, Tai-Yin Huang and Julio Urbina, 2018, "On the Importance of an Atmospheric Reference Model: A Case Study on Gravity Wave-Airglow Interactions", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 171, pp. 9
  • Cihan Arslan, Kultegin Aydin, Julio Urbina and Lars P Dyrud, 2018, "Satellite-Link Attenuation Measurement Technique for Estimating Rainfall Accumulation", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56, (2), pp. 13
  • Yolian Amaro-Rivera, Tai-Yin Huang, Julio Urbina and Fabio Vargas, 2018, "Empirical values of branching ratios in the three-body recombination reaction for O(1S) and O2(0,0) airglow chemistry", Advances in Space Research
  • Burak Tuysuz, Julio Urbina and John Mathews, 2017, "Effects of the equatorial electrojet on passive radar systems", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), pp. 9
  • Robert M Sorbello, Julio Urbina and Zach Stephens, 2015, "First steps toward the implementation of a cognitive radar to study plasma instabilities along the magnetic equator", Radio Science, 50, (3), pp. 229–237
  • S G Bilen, A M Wyglinski, C R Anderson, T Cooklev, C Dietrich, B Farhang-Boroujeny, Julio Urbina, S H Edwards and J H Reed, 2014, "Software-Defined Radio: A New Paradigm Communications Education", IEEE Communications Magazine, 52, (5), pp. 184 - 193
  • F. R. Galindo, Julio Urbina, J. L. Chau, L. Dyrud and M. Milla, 2013, "On the characterization of radar receivers for meteor-head echoes studies", Radio Science, pp. 10
  • B. Tuysuz, Julio Urbina and F. Lind, 2013, "Development of a Passive VHF Radar System Using Software Defined Radio for Equatorial Plasma Instability Studies", Radio Science, pp. 18
  • S. Zhao, Julio Urbina, L. Dyrud and R. Seal, 2011, "Multilayer Detection and Classification of Specular and Non-specular Meteor Trails", Radio Science, pp. 11
  • L. P. Dyrud, Julio Urbina, J. T. Fentzke, E. Hibbit and J. Hinrichs, 2011, "Global variation of meteor trail plasma turbulence", Ann. Geophys., 29, pp. 2277-2286
  • J. Kim, Julio Urbina, T. J. Kane and D. Spencer, 2011, "Improvement of numerical TIE-GCM by incorporating Helium data from the empirical NRLMSISE-00 model", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, pp. 1-12
  • J. Hinrichs, L. P. Dyrud and Julio Urbina, 2009, "Diurnal Variation of Non-Specular Meteor Trails", Annales Geophysical, 27, pp. 1961-1967
  • J. Kim, D. Spencer, T. Kane and Julio Urbina, 2009, "Thermospheric Density Model Blending Techniques: Bridging the Gap between Satellites and Sounding Rockets", Radio Science, 44, pp. RS0A22
  • A. Malhorta, J. D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2008, "Effect of Meteor Ionization on Sporadic-E observed at Jicamarca", Geophys. Res. Lett.
  • Akshay Malhotra, John D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2007, "A radio science perspective on long-duration meteor trails", J. Geophys. Res., 112, (A12), pp. A12303
  • A. Malhotra, J. D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2007, "Aspect sensitivity considerations in interpreting radar meteor range-spread trail echo durations", Earth, Moon, and Planets
  • L. P. Dyrud, K. Denney, Julio Urbina, D. Janches, E. Kudeki and S. Franke, 2005, "The meteor flux: it depends how you look", Earth, Moon, and Planets, 95, pp. 89-100
  • Julio Urbina, E. Kudeki, S. Franke and Q. Zhou, 2004, "Analysis of a mid-latitude E-region LQP event observed during the Coqui 2 Campaign", Geophysical Research Letters
  • Wesley E. Swartz, Stephen C. Collins, Michael C. Kelley, Jonathan J. Makela, Erhan Kudeki, Steve Franke, Julio Urbina, Nestor Aponte, Sixto Gonzalez, Michael P. Sulzer and Jonathan S. Friedman, 2002, "First observations of an F-region turbulent upwelling coincident with severe E-region plasma and neutral atmosphere perturbations", J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 64, pp. 12-14
  • T. J. Kane, B. W. Grime, S. Franke, E. Kudeki, Julio Urbina, M. C. Kelley and S. Collins, 2001, "Joint observations of sodium enhancements and field-aligned irregularities", Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, (7), pp. 1375-1378
  • J. D. Mathews, S. Gonzalez, M. P. Sulzer, Q. H. Zhou, Julio Urbina, E. Kudeki and S. Franke, 2001, "Kilometer-scale layered structures inside Spread-F", Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, (22), pp. 4167-4170
  • Julio Urbina, E. Kudeki, S. Franke, S. Gonzalez, Q. Zhou and S. Collins, 2000, "50 MHz radar observations of mid-latitude E-region irregularities at Camp Santiago, Puerto Rico", Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, (18), pp. 2853-2856
  • W. E. Swartz, M. C. Kelley, J. J. Makela, S. C. Collins, E. Kudeki, S. Franke, Julio Urbina, N. Aponte, M. P. Sulzer and S. Gonzalez, 2000, "Coherent and incoherent scatter radar observations during intense mid-latitude Spread-F", Geophysical Research Letters, 27, (18), pp. 2829-2832
  • B. B. Balsley, R. F. Woodman, M. Sarango, R. Rodriguez, Julio Urbina, E. Ragaini, J. Carey, M. Huaman and A. Giraldez, 1995, "On the lack of southern hemisphere polar mesosphere summer echoes", Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, (D6), pp. 11685-11693
  • B. B. Balsley, R. F. Woodman, M. Sarango, Julio Urbina, R. Rodriguez, E. Ragaini and J. Carey, 1993, "Southern-hemisphere PMSE: Where are they?", Geophysical Research Letters, 20, (18), pp. 1983-1985
  • B. B. Balsley, J. Carey, R. F. Woodman, M. Sarango, J. Urbina, R. Rodriguez and E. Ragaini, 1993, "Wind Profiler Installed in Antarctica", EOS Transactions, 74, (35), pp. 395-396

Conference Proceedings

  • Catherine Berdanier, Julio Urbina, Reginald Felix Hamilton, Catherine Cohan, Tonya Peeples and Cynthia Reed, 2024, "Capturing First- and Second-Year Master's Engineering Students' Perceptions of Support in Their Transitions to Graduate School", ASEE, pp. 1-3
  • Ruth E Rubio-Noriega, F Soria-Pinedo, Mark Clemente-Arenas, Julio Urbina, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and H Hernandez-Figueroa, 2024, "Topological optimization of electrically tunable silicon-organic metasurfaces", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
  • Lauren Griggs and Julio Urbina, 2024, "Peru in State College"
  • Catherine Berdanier, Tonya Peeples, Catherine Cohan, Julio Urb andna, , 2023, "Identifying Barriers to Recruiting Low-Income Students into Engineering Master's Programs", ASEE, pp. 1-3
  • Mark Clemente-Arenas, Ruth E Rubio-Noriega, Julio Urbina and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2022, "Toward non-metallic infrared metasurface filters with electrical and thermal controllability", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 1-3
  • Diego Penaloza, Julio Urbina and Jose Fuentes, 2022, "Real-time transponder detection using open-source software-defined radio receiver architecture for harmonic radar systems", SPIE, 12108, pp. 136-143
  • Salih Bostan, Julio Urbina, John Mathews and Ross L. Dinsmore, 2022, "A Non-Local Spread-F-like Event Over Arecibo as the Possible Result of a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse", Copernicus Meetings, 12108, pp. 136-143
  • Omar Alzaabi, Mohamed Mohamed, Diego Penaloza, Julio Urbina, James K Breakall and Michael Lanagan, 2021, "Radar Cross Section Estimation For Entomoligcal Applications: Target Dielectric Characterization And Its Impacts", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 29-30
  • Ruth E Rubio-Noriega, Mark Clemente-Arenas, Julio Urbina and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2021, "Bicontrollable metasurface absorber with nine-pixel meta-atoms", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 60-63
  • Kiran Mujeeb, Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Julio Urbina, 2021, "Morphological effects on the excitation of surface waves in the grating-coupled configuration", SPIE, 11802, pp. 8
  • Salih Bostan, Julio Urbina, John Mathews, James Breakall and Ross L Dinsmore, 2021, "An unusual spread-F-like event over Arecibo", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
  • Diego Penaloza, Julio Urbina and Jose Fuentes, 2021, "Open-Source Software-Defined Radio Receiver Platform for Harmonic Radar Applications to Track Airborne Insects", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
  • Rachel Brennan, Julio Urbina, Jose L Oliden and Juan Rodriguez, 2020, "Project Drawdown", ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings
  • Adriyel Nieves, Julio Urbina, Timothy J Kane, Shengxi Huang and Diego Penaloza, 2019, "Work in progress for developing project-based experiential learning of engineering electromagnetics"
  • Julio Urbina, Jose L Oliden, Patrick Tunno, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Juan Rodriguez, Miguel Luis Estrada, Esther Obonyo, Sarah Zappe, Christine Masters and Fernando Fonseca, 2019, "Experience-based learning: Global engineering culture and society", ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings
  • Mark Clemente-Arenas, Julio Urbina and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Metasurfaces with thermal hysteresis", Proceedings of the 2018 20th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2018, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., University Park, United States, pp. 3
  • Erica Messinger, Kathleen L Melde, Jonathan Chisum, Julio Urbina, Jing Wang and Stephen E Ralph, 2018, "Different strategies for preparing students to tackle the RF engineering challenges of tomorrow: A panel discussion", ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, pp. 13
  • Amy L Freeman, Julio Urbina, Sarah E Zappe, Javier Fernando del Carpio and Nancy Matos, 2017, "Engineering Pathways Fellows: Four Years of Successful Retention Initiatives and International Collaboration", pp. 24
  • Burak Tuysuz and Julio Urbina, 2017, "Modeling of the Equatorial Electrojet as a Multilayer Communication Channel and Investigation of Its Effects on FM Radio Signals", Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2017 25th, pp. 4
  • Cihan H Arslan, Kultegin Aydin, Julio Urbina and Lars P Dyrud, 2014, "Rainfall measurements using satellite downlink attenuation", 2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, pp. 4
  • Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Sven Bilen, Julio Urbina and Peter G Burkett, 2013, "GeoPebbles: A network of wireless seismic and GPS nodes designed for Polar deployment.", pp. 4547-4549
  • Julio Urbina, R. Seal and L. Dyrud, 2011, "The New Meteor Radar at Penn State: An Approach for Open Source Software Defined Radar for Aeronomy", Proceedings of the XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science Meeting, pp. 1-4
  • F. Galindo, Julio Urbina, J. Chau and L. Dyrud, 2011, "On the effect possible of the signal processing in the meteor-head data at Jicamarca", Proceedings of the XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science Meeting, pp. 1-4
  • Julio Urbina and S. J. S.J. Briczinski, 2011, "Transmitter Power Studies on Meteor Radar Head Echo Returns", Proceedings of the XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science Meeting, pp. 1-3
  • Julio Urbina, 2011, "The New Meteor Radar at Penn State: Design and First Observations", Proceedings of the Meteoroids 2010 Conference, pp. 357-362
  • L. P. Dyrud, J. Hinrichs and Julio Urbina, 2011, "Global Variation of Meteor Trail Plasma Turbulence", Proceedings of the Meteoroids 2010 Conference, pp. 217-230
  • M. Sunderland, Julio Urbina, S. Gonzalez and M. Sulzer, 2009, "Design of a Digital Radar Receiver: Increasing the Bandwith of Aeronomy Observations at Arecibo Observatory", MST 12 International Workshop on Radar Techniques
  • J. Kim, D. B. Spencer, T. J. Kane and Julio Urbina, 2008, "A Blending Technique in Thermospheric Density Modeling", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit
  • S. Bilen, M. Schuurman, L. Brown, T. Wheeler and Julio Urbina, 2008, "Addressing Aerospace Workforce Needs: The impact of on-hands space systems project experiences on career choices", 2008 ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Annual Conference and Exposition
  • Julio Urbina, R. Seal, L. Dyrud and S. Bilen, 2008, "50 MHz Software Defined Radar for Meteor and Aeronomical Science", Collaborative International Software-Defined Radio (CISDR) Workshop 2008, pp. 3
  • S. G. Bilén and Julio Urbina, 2008, "Tying Together the Electrical Engineering Curriculum with a Hands-on Course in Software-defined Radio", Collaborative International Software-Defined Radio (CISDR) Workshop 2008, pp. 2
  • T. J. Kane, J. Kim, D. B. Spencer and Julio Urbina, 2008, "Thermospheric Density Model Blending Techniques: Bridging the Gap between Satellites and Sounding Rockets", 12th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium
  • R. Seal, Julio Urbina, M. P. Sulzer, N. Aponte and S. Gonzalez, 2008, "Design and implementation of a multi-purpose radar controller using open-source tools", 2008 IEEE Radar Conference
  • S. G. B. Bilen, A. Price, O. Azarmanesh and Julio Urbina, 2007, "Modulation Classification for Radio Interoperability via SDR", SDR'07 Technical Conference & Fifty-Sixth SDR Meeting, pp. 6
  • Akshay Malhotra, John D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2007, "A radio science perspective on long-duration meteor trails over Jicamarca", Proceedings of the 2007 Meteoroids, pp. 5
  • A. Malhorta, J. D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2007, "Solving the mystery of long duration non-specular meteor echoes", Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar, pp. 4
  • Julio Urbina, R. Seal and M. P. Sulzer, 2007, "Implementation of a Generic Data Acquisition using Commercial off the shelf Digital Receivers", Eleventh International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar, pp. 4
  • Julio Urbina, R. Seal and M. P. Sulzer, 2006, "FPGA-based Radar Receiver and Controller for UHF/VHF Radar Systems", Eleventh International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar, pp. 4
  • H. C. Patangia and Julio Urbina, 2005, "An Assessment of the Impact of Exploring Engineering Through An Experiential Learning Course on Student Attraction and Retention", 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, pp. 6
  • Hirak Patangia, Pamela Warrick, Nicholas Jovanovic and Julio Urbina, 2004, "Exploring Engineering Through Project Based Experiential Learning For Pre College Educators Division", Third ASEE International Proceedings of the Colloquium on Engineering Education, pp. 9
  • Julio Urbina, Erhan Kudeki and Steve Franke, 2003, "A study of a Low E-region Quasi-Periodic Event from Camp Santiago, Puerto Rico", International Proceedings on MST Radar Techniques, pp. 4
  • R. Pfaff, H. Freudenreich, M. Acuna, E. Kudeki, S. Franke, Julio Urbina, M. Larsen, D. Hysell, J. Clemmons, G. Earle, R. Heelis, R. Bishop and S. Bounds, 2000, "Comprehensive in-situ, TMA trail, and ground-based observations in the lower ionosphere in the presence of quasi-periodic VHF radar echoes", The Tenth International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, pp. 2
  • W. Swartz, S. Collins, M. C. Kelley, E. Kudeki, S. Franke, Julio Urbina, M. Sulzer, S. Gonzalez and Nestor Aponte, 2000, "First observations of an F-region turbulent up-welling coincident with severe E-region plasma and neutral perturbations", The Tenth International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, pp. 2
  • Julio Urbina, E. Kudeki and S. Franke, 2000, "Coherent radar echoes from tidal ion layers in mid-latitude E-region", The Tenth International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy, 6, pp. 4
  • Lauren Donohoe, Julio Urbina, Timothy J Kane and Sven G Bilen, , "Developments in the teaching of engineering electromagnetics for improvement in student interest and understanding"


  • F. Galindo, Y. Li and Julio Urbina, 2022, "An AI-based Approach to Study Non-specular Meteor Trail Echoes"
  • Yanlin Li, Tai-Yin Huang, Julio Urbina, Fabio Vargas and Wuhu Feng, 2021, "How Meteor Influx Affects Sodium Layer"
  • McArthur Jones, Angeline G Burrell, Kate Zawdie, Julio Urbina, Katrina Bossert, Phillip Erickson, Larisa P Goncharenko, Komal Kumari, Meghan LeMay, Huixin Liu, Susan M Nossal, John Coxon, Alexa Jean Halford, Delores Knipp and Astrid I Maute, 2021, "Ongoing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts in the CEDAR Community"
  • Y. Li, F. Galindo and Julio Urbina, 2021, "A modern approach to the detection and classification of meteor radar echoes"
  • S. Bostan, Julio Urbina and J. Mathews, 2021, "The Discovery of Novel Ionospheric Phenomena using Ionospheric High Frequency Software-Defined Radar"
  • O. Alzaabi, M. M. Al-Khaldi, D. Penaloza, Julio Urbina, J. K. Breakall and M. Lanagan, 2021, "Entomological Target Radar Cross Section: Numerical Modelling and Estimation"
  • Zishun Qiao, Alan Liu, Javier Fuentes, Fabio Vargas, Julio Urbina, Chris Adami, , , and , , 2019, "Initial results of a new multi-static meteor radar at Andes Lidar Observatory"
  • Salih Bostan, Julio Urbina and John Mathews, 2019, "A Unique HF Radar Observation of Mid-latitude Spread-F-like Event"
  • Andrew ONeil, Sven Bilen, Julio Urbina and Timothy Kane, 2019, "Space Weather-Sondes: Development of Distributed Satellite Networks for F-Region Investigation"
  • Omar Alzaabi, Diego L Penaloza-Aponte, Mohammad Al-Khaldi, Julio Urbina, James Breakall, Michael Lanagan, Harland Patch and Christina Grozinger, 2019, "A Numerical Modelling Approach towards Radar Cross Section Characterization of Airborne Insects"
  • Tai-Yin Huang, Yolian Amaro-Rivera, Julio Urbina and Fabio Vargas, 2019, "On Oxygen Airglow Chemistry - Empirical Values of Branching Ratios in the Three-Body Recombination Reaction."
  • Freddy Galindo, Julio Urbina, Stephen P. Franke and Lars Dyrud, 2019, "Studies of Plasma Instabilities on Specular Meteor Trail Decay Times"
  • Salih Bostan, Julio Urbina and John Mathews, 2019, "The Discovery of Novel Ionospheric Phenomena Using Ionospheric High Frequency Software-Defined Radar"
  • Omar Alzaabi, Diego Penaloza-Aponte, Julio Urbina, James Breakall and Michael Lanagan, 2019, "Airborne Insects Radar Scattering Characteristics Utilizing Electromagnetic Modeling"
  • Adriyel Nieves and Julio Urbina, 2019, "Comparison of Meter-scale Plasma Irregularities Probed by two Equatorial Radars Located in Peru: Jicamarca and Huancayo"
  • Freddy Galindo, Julio Urbina and Lars P. Dyrud, 2018, "Development of An All-Sky Meteor Trail Input Function"
  • Alzaabi Omar, Julio Urbina, James K Breakall and Michael T Lanagan, 2018, "Dielectric Properties of Honey Bee Body Tissue For Insect Tracking Applications"
  • Freddy Galindo, Julio Urbina and Lars P. Dyrud, 2017, "Analysis of Plasma Turbulence on the Formation of Specular Meteor Echoes"
  • F. Galindo, B. Gao, J. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2016, "An alternating inter-pulse period technique for meteor trails"
  • Salih Bostan, Julio Urbina, John Mathews and A. J. Ferraro, 2016, "Preliminary results of an HF software defined radar system to study D-region modification"
  • Julio Urbina, Freddy Galindo and Lars P. Dyrud, 2016, "Effect of Neutral Wind Speeds on the Creation of Meteor Trail Echoes"
  • Julio Urbina, Freddy Galindo and Lars P. Dyrud, 2016, "Effect of Plasma Turbulence on the Evolution of Specular Meteor Trail Echoes"
  • Julio Urbina, R Seal, R Sorbello, K Kuyeng and L P Dyrud, 2014, "Penn State Radar Systems: Implementation and Observations"
  • Julio Urbina, S Anandakrishnan, S G Bilen, A Fleishman and P Burkett, 2014, "Penn State geoPebble system: Design,Implementation, and Initial Results"
  • Freddy Galindo, Julio Urbina, Lars P. Dyrud and J. Fentzke, 2014, "Quantifying the Impact of Atmospheric Parameters on the Duration of Non-specular Turbulence Meteor"
  • Julio Urbina, R. Sorbello, Lars P. Dyrud, J. Fentzke and Freddy Galindo, 2014, "Meteor Trail Observations Collected with the Penn State VHF Radar."
  • B. Tuysuz, Julio Urbina, F. Lind and J. Fentzke, 2013, "First Results From a Coherent-Scatter Atmospheric Passive Radar Imager (CAPRI) For Passive Radio Sensing of Equatorial Plasma Instabilities Near the Peruvian Andes"
  • R. Sorbello, Julio Urbina and Z. Stephens, 2013, "First Steps Towards the Implementation of a Cognitive Radar to Study Plasma Instabilities Near the Peruvian Andes"
  • A. C. Mills, Julio Urbina, G. Rajagopalan, S. Gonzalez, M. Sulzer and M. Wharton, 2013, "A New UHF High Dynamic Range Receiver for the Arecibo Observatory"
  • S. Bostan, H. Torpi and Julio Urbina, 2013, "High Cross Polarized Ku-Band OMT Design for SNG Vehicles"
  • John Mathews, B. Gao, Julio Urbina and F. Galindo, 2013, "High-altitude meteors and meteoroid fragmentation observed at Jicamarca"
  • Julio Urbina, J. Fentzke, L. Dyrud, Ryan Seal and A. Hackett, 2013, "Meteor Trail Observations Collected with the new Penn State VHF radar"
  • F. Galindo, Julio Urbina, L. Dyrud and J. Fentzke, 2013, "Modeling the effect of turbulence on specular meteor echoes: preliminary results"
  • Julio Urbina, A. Hackett, L. Dyrud and J. Fentzke, 2012, "Analysis of Coherent Scatter Observations collected with the new Penn State VHF Meteor Radar"
  • S. G. Bilen, S. Anandakrishnan, P. Burkett, A. Fleishman and Julio Urbina, 2012, "Design and Implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network of GPS-Enabled Seismic Sensors for the Study of Glaciers and Ice Sheets"
  • B. Tuysuz, Julio Urbina and F. D. Lind, 2012, "Development of a Passive VHF Radar System Using Software Defined Radio for Equatorial Plasma Instability Studies"
  • F. Galindo, Julio Urbina, L. Dyrud and J. Fentzke, 2012, "The role of turbulence on the evolution of specular meteor echoes"
  • R. Sorbello and J. Urbina, 2012, "Towards the Implementation of a Cognitive Radar to Study Equatorial Plasma Instabilities"
  • Julio Urbina, 2012, "An Overview of a Cognitive Radar System to Study Plasma Irregularities near the Peruvian Andes"
  • F. Galindo, J. Urbina, J. Chau and L. Dyrud, 2012, "On the possible effect of the signal processing in meteor-head data at Jicamarca: Preliminary Results"
  • J. Mathews, B. D. Gao, Julio Urbina, F. Galindo and A. Malhotra, 2012, "Meteoroid Fragmentation and High-Altitude Meteors Observed at Jicamarca"
  • Julio Urbina, L. Dyrud, J. Fentzke, R. Seal and R. Sorbello, 2012, "Preliminary Radar Observations from the Penn State Meteor Radar"
  • F. Galindo, Julio Urbina, L. Dyrud and J. Fentzke, 2012, "On the Effect of Turbulence on Specular Meteor Echoes"
  • H. Jiles, L. Dyrud, J. Fentzke, F. Galindo and Julio Urbina, 2012, "Non-specular Modeling with Discrete Power Intervals"
  • J. D. Mathews, B. Gao, Julio Urbina, F. Galindo and A. Malhorta, 2012, "Meteoroid Fragmentation Observed at Jicamarca"
  • L. Dyrud, J. Fentzke and Julio Urbina, 2012, "Influence of Ionospheric Electrojets on Meteor Trail Evolution"
  • Julio Urbina, L. Dyrud, Freddy Galindo and Ryan Seal, 2011, "Observations, Validation and Calibration of the Penn State Meteor Radar"
  • F. R. Galindo, Julio Urbina, J. L. Chau and L. P. Dyrud, 2011, "On the Effect of Signal Processing on Meteor-Head Data from Jicamarca"
  • L. P. Dyrud, Julio Urbina and F. Galindo, 2011, "Plasma Turbulence effects on specular trail observations"
  • F. Galindo, Julio Urbina, L. P. Dyrud and J. Fentzke, 2011, "Modeling the Role of Atmosphere on the Duration of Non-Specular Meteor Trails"
  • J. Mathews, Julio Urbina and A. Malhotra, 2010, "Adapting the new Arecibo on-dish HF transmitter system to radar mode"
  • J. Mathews, Julio Urbina and A. Malhotra, 2010, "Adapting the new Arecibo on-dish HF transmitter system to radar mode"
  • E. Hibit, Julio Urbina and L. Dyrud, 2010, "Modeling Specular Meteor Trails as Plasma Irregularities"
  • Julio Urbina, R. Seal and L. Dyrud, 2010, "Design, Implementation, and First Observations of Penn State Meteor Radar"
  • L. Dyrud, Julio Urbina, D. Janches, E. Hibit and J. Hinrichs, 2010, "Global Variation and Implications of Meteor Trail Plasma Turbulence"
  • Julio Urbina, L. Dyrud and R. Seal, 2009, "The Recent Meteor Radar at Penn State: Design, Implementation, and Observations"
  • S. Bilen, P. I. Pribula, A. T. Kummer, A. C. Escobar, Julio Urbina, P. Bernhardt, M. T. Rietvald, M. J. Kosch, S. Gonzalez and J. M. Roman-Rosado, 2009, "The OSIRIS CubeSat Mission: a System for Investigating the Response of the Stimulated Ionosphere"
  • J. Hinrichs, L. Dyrud, Julio Urbina and E. Hibbit, 2009, "Global Variation of Meteor Trail Plasma Turbulence"
  • Julio Urbina, R. Seal and L. Dyrud, 2009, "50 MHz Software Defined Radar for Meteor and Aeronomical Science"
  • E. Hibit, Julio Urbina and L. Dyrud, 2009, "Seasonal and Diurnal Variability of Mid-Latitude Specular and Non-Specular Meteors"
  • R. Seal and Julio Urbina, 2009, "Next Generation Meteor Radar Receiver Using an Open Hardware/Software Radio Platform"
  • E. Hibit, Julio Urbina and L. Dyrud, 2009, "Simulating the Effects of Latitude, Longitude, Neutral Wind, and Plasma Density on Non-specular Meteor Trails"
  • L. P. Dyrud, D. Janches, J. Fentzke, J. Urbina and J. Hinrichs, 2009, "Global Variation of Meteor Trail Plasma Turbulence"
  • Julio Urbina, E. Kudeki, S. Franke and R. Pfaff, 2008, "Analysis of meter-scale E-region plasma density irregularities from North Carolina and Puerto Rico"
  • R. Pfaff, C. Liebrecht, Julio Urbina and E. Kudeki, 2008, "Daytime observations of mid-latitude Sporadic-E and QP radar echoes"
  • A. Malhotra, J. D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2008, "Multi-Static Common Volume Radar Observations of Meteor Echoes at Jicamarca"
  • A. Malhotra, J. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2008, "Sporadic-E observations at Jicamarca"
  • Julio Urbina, E. Kudeki, S. Franke and R. Pfaff, 2008, "Analysis of VHF coherent scatter observations of E-region irregularities in Puerto Rico and North Carolina"
  • R. Seal, Julio Urbina, M. P. Sulzer and S. Gonzalez, 2008, "Design of an FPGA-based Radar Controller"
  • A. Malhotra, J. D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2008, "On the formation and evolution of radar meteor trails"
  • A. Malhorta, J. D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2007, "A radio science perspective on range-spread trail-echoes"
  • A. Malhorta, J. D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2007, "Bi-static, common volume radar meteor observations at Jicamarca"
  • A. Malhorta, J. D. Mathews and Julio Urbina, 2007, "A radio science perspective on range-spread trail-echoes observed at Jicamarca"
  • L. Dyrud, D. Janches, Julio Urbina, M. Oppenheim and K. Denney, 2005, "Understanding radar meteor biases via comparisons of specular, non-specular trails and head echos"
  • Julio Urbina, Erhan Kudeki and Steve Franke, 2003, "VHF radar observations of mid-latitude E-region irregularities", pp. 4
  • Julio Urbina, Erhan Kudeki and Steve Franke, 1999, "VHF radar observations of mid-latitude E-region irregularities"
  • W. Swartz, M. C. Kelley, Erhan Kudeki, Steve Franke and Julio Urbina, 1999, "Overview of a year-long study of E and F region coherent scatter from Puerto Rico"
  • S. Franke, E. Kudeki, Julio Urbina and W. Swartz, 1998, "VHF coherent scatter observations of E and F region irregularities in Puerto Rico During Coquii II 1998"
  • T. Kane, S. Franke, E. Kudeki, Julio Urbina, M. Kelley, S. Swartz and S. Collins, 1998, "Joint observations of sodium enhancements and field-aligned irregularities during Coqui II"
  • E. Kudeki, P. Franke, Julio Urbina and S. Swartz, 1995, "150 Km plasma density instabilities mechanisms in E-equatorial ionosphere"

Research Projects

  • October 2021 - September 2027, "Strengthening Pathways for the Domestic Graduate Engineering Workforce and Future Professoriate: Increasing Access to Engineering Masters Programs," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • June 2021 - February 2026, "IGE: Stakeholder-Driven Sustainable Development Experiences for Enhancing STEM Graduate Education," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • August 2022 - July 2026, "Collaborative Proposal FACTs: Forcing of the upper Atmosphere from Coupling of Troposphere During Extreme Weather Systems," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • September 2022 - August 2026, "The Future of Organic Beekeeping: Increasing Opportunities for Beekeepers through Assessment of Honey Bee Foraging Patterns on Organic Farms," (Sponsor: USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture).
  • September 2020 - August 2025, "International Research Experience on Pollinators in a Changing World," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • September 2021 - August 2024, "IRES Track I: Manifestations of climate change in extreme events," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • August 2019 - January 2024, "Collaborative Research: Investigation of Gravity Wave-Airglow Interactions in Multiple Emission Layers," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • July 2013 - June 2020, "Collaborative Research: New Directions in Optical-Instrument-Driven Aeronomy at Arecibo Observatory," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • October 2012 - September 2019, "Engineering Pathways: An Undergraduate Scholars Program," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • March 2011 - February 2018, "CAREER: A Cognitive VHF Radar System Approach to Study Ionospheric Irregularities," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • June 2007 - May 2014, "Collaborative Research: A New 50 MHz Radar for Meteor and Aeronomical Science," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • August 2005 - July 2007, "NSF Faculty Development in Space Sciences," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).

Honors and Awards

  • Fulbright Scholar, United States Department of State, March 2025 - July 2025
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, Penn State Global, 2024
  • Fellow of Radio Club of America, Radio Club of America, 2024
  • IEEE North Jersey Section MTT/AP-S, EDS/C&S, Chapters Award, IEEE, 2019
  • Distinguished Service Award, Penn State/College of Engineering, 2016
  • Distinguished Alumnus Award, National University of Engineering, School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2015
  • Fulbright Scholar, United States Department of State, March 2015 - July 2015
  • Joel and Ruth Spira Excellence Teaching Award, 2014
  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2011
  • The Cosmopolitan Club at the University of Illinois Service Award, 2002
  • Harold L. Olsen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2001
  • International Symposium on Equatorial Ionosphere (ISEA) Student Award, 2000
  • NASA Group Achievement Award, Center of Excellence, 1998 Coqui II Sounding Rocket Campaign Team, NASA, 1999


Service to Penn State:

  • Faculty Advisor, AMP Scholars Program Faculty Adviser, August 2021
  • Faculty Advisor, Clark Scholars Program Faculty Adviser, August 2019
  • Committee Work, Faculty, Schreyer Honors College Faculty Advisor Council, August 2017
  • Faculty Advisor, Schreyer Honors Program Coordinator, May 2016

Service to External Organizations:

  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Co-Chairperson, Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Workshop, Session Organizer on Meteoroids and Space Debris: Upper Atmospheric Impacts, March 2011
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Co-Chairperson, Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Workshop, Session Organizer on Space Instrumentation, June 2008
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Co-Chairperson, MST 12 International Workshop on Radar Techniques, Session Organizer, Meteor Studies with MST Radars, May 2009



The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was created in the spring of 2015 to allow greater access to courses offered by both departments for undergraduate and graduate students in exciting collaborative research fields.

We offer B.S. degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering and data science and graduate degrees (master's degrees and Ph.D.'s) in electrical engineering and computer science and engineering. EECS focuses on the convergence of technologies and disciplines to meet today’s industrial demands.

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The Pennsylvania State University

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Department of Electrical Engineering
