Photo of Gregory Huff

Gregory Huff



  • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering

303 Electrical Engineering East


Research Areas:

Electromagnetics; Remote Sensing and Space Systems




  • BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000
  • MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003
  • Ph D, Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006


Conference Proceedings

  • Richard J Peterson, Syed Uddin, Michael Artlip, Emily Miller, Robert Lucas, Wooram Lee and Gregory Huff, 2023, "System-Level Performance of Electrically Small Antennas Co-Designed with Time-Varying and Active RFICs", 46, pp. 8
  • Anna Stumme, Mark Dorsey and Gregory Huff, 2023, "Design of a Cylindrical Array of Conformed Slotted Ridged Waveguide Elements with AM", 46, pp. 8
  • Richard J Peterson, Syed Uddin, Michael Artlip, Emily Miller, Robert Lucas, Wooram Lee and Gregory Huff, 2023, "Evaluating the Performance and Impact on Phase-Modulated Signals from Broadband Electrically Small Antenna Enable by Tightly Integrated and Co-Design of Time-Varying and Active RFICs"
  • Wenbo Liu, Bailey Campbell and Gregory Huff, 2023, "A 3D Printed One-piece Wideband Beamforming Network and Antenna Array"
  • James K Breakall, Aayush Pandey, Gregory Huff, William Bristow, Ulrich Rohde and Ajay Poddar, 2023, "Design and Modeling of the SuperDARN HF Log Periodic Array at the South Pole"
  • Nicholas Mai and Gregory Huff, 2023, "A Framework for Wideband Beamforming Using a True-Time Delay Network"
  • Nick Mai and Gregory Huff, 2021, "A Framework for Wideband Hybrid Beamforming Using Software-Defined Radios"
  • Deanna Sessions and Gregory Huff, 2021, "Interpreting ConvNet Latent Spaces Comparing RF-Seeded vs Unseeded Inputs for Defect Analysis in Additively Manufactured Electromagnetic Surfaces"
  • Zhong Chen, Wenbo Liu and Gregory Huff, 2021, "Experimental Campaign to Evaluate the Fundamental Capabilities and Limitations of Synthetic DOA Using Swarming UAVs"
  • Kris Buchanan, Nam Nicholas Mai, Sara Wheeland, Carlos Flores-Molina and Gregory Huff, 2021, "Lossy Beam Generation of Circular Arrays", pp. 115-116
  • Zhong Chen, Shihyuan Yeh, Jean Francois Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2020, "Impact of Position Errors on Synthetic Aperture DOA Convergence Based on Swarming UAV s", pp. 83-84
  • Amrita Bal and Gregory Huff, 2020, "Modelling and Impact of 3D Print Inaccuracies on the Performance of Circular Waveguide Hybrid Coupler"
  • Kristopher Buchanan, Michelle Rodriguez, Sara Wheeland, Drew Overturf, Oren Sternberg and Gregory Huff, 2019, "Statistical Analysis and Discussion of Circularly Bound Random Antenna Array Distributions", 2019-October
  • Deanna M Sessions, Andrew Gillman, Kazuko Fuchi, Alexander Cook, Gregory Huff and Philip Buskohl, 2019, "A Multi-Domain Data Scieince Analysis for the Classification of Additive Manufactured Frequency Selective Surface Elements"
  • Amrita Bal, Anoop Tiwari and Gregory Huff, 2019, "Electroless silver plating of additive manufactured trough waveguide mode transducer and antenna structure", pp. 93-94
  • Deanna Sessions, Gregory Huff, Joshua Ruff, Kazuko Fuchi, Alexander Cook, Andrew Gillman, Alexander Pankonien and Philip Buskohl, 2019, "Coupled Structural-Electromagnetic Analysis of Origami-Inspired Adaptive Structures"
  • S. R. Seiler, G. Bazzan, K. Fuchi, E. J. Alanyak, A. S. Gilman, G. W. Alexander, A. Cook, P. R. Buskohl, S. Pallampati, F. A. Espinal, D. Sessions and Gregory Huff, 2018, "An Origami Inspired Circularly-Polarized Folding Patch Antenna Array", pp. 181-182
  • D. M. Sessions, J. T. Ruff, F. A. Espinal, Gregory Huff, S. S. Jape, E. A. Peraza-Hernandez, D. C. Lagoudas, D. J. Hartl and B. Borges, 2018, "Folding, Tessellation, and Deployment of an Origami-Inspired Active-Material-Enabled Self-Folding Reflector Antenna", pp. 929-930
  • H. Liao, M. Morte, E. Bloom, Gregory Huff and B. Hascakir, 2018, "Controlling microwave penetration and absorption in heavy oil reservoirs", 2018-April
  • Jeffery W. Baur, Darren J. Hartl, Geoffrey J. Frank, Gregory Huff, Keith A. Slinker, Corey Kondash, W. Joshua Kennedy and Gregory J. Ehlert, 2018, "Experimental Mechanics for Multifunctional Composites and Next Generation UAVs", 6, pp. 215-221
  • M. Morte, E. Bloom, Gregory Huff, J. Dean and B. Hascakir, 2018, "Factors affecting electromagnetic wave penetration in heavy oil reservoirs", 2018-January
  • Deanna M. Sessions, Joshua T. Ruff, Francisco A. Espinal, Gregory Huff, Sameer S. Jape, E. A. Peraza-Hernandez, Dimitris C. Lagoudas, Darren J. Hartl and Beatriz Borges, 2018, "Folding, Tessellation, and Deployment of an Origami-Inspired Active-Material-Enabled Self-Folding Reflector Antenna", pp. 929-930
  • Shihyuan Yeh, Jean Francois Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2017, "An investigation of geolocation-aware beamforming algorithms for swarming UAVs", 2017-January, pp. 641-642
  • Kazuko Fuchi, Giorgio Bazzan, Andrew S. Gillman, Gregory Huff, Philip R. Buskohl and Edward J. Alyanak, 2017, "Frequency tuning through physical reconfiguration of a corrugated origami frequency selective surface", 2017-January, pp. 411-412
  • Steven R. Seiler, Giorgio Bazzan, Edward J. Alanyak, Andrew S. Gillman, Gregory W. Reich, Philip R. Buskohl, Kazuko Fuchi, Sumanna Pallampati, Deanna Sessions, David Grayson and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Physical reconfiguration of an origami-inspired deployable microstrip patch antenna array", 2017-January, pp. 2359-2360
  • Zhong Chen, Jean Francois Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Impact of UAV swarm density and heterogeneity on synthetic aperture DoA convergence", pp. 3-4
  • Zhong Chen, Jean Francois Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Impact of UAV swarm density and heterogeneity on synthetic aperture DoA convergence", pp. 3-4
  • D. Overturf, K. Buchanan, J. Jensen, C. Flores-Molina, S. Wheeland and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Investigation of beamforming patterns from volumetrically distributed phased arrays", pp. 817-822
  • Kristopher Buchanan, Oren Sternberg, Sara Wheeland, John Rockway, Jeffrey Jensen and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Synchronization considerations using circularly distributed arrays", pp. 0157-0162
  • Kristopher Buchanan, Carlos Flores, Sara Wheeland, Jeffrey Jensen, David Grayson and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Transmit beamforming for radar applications using circularly tapered random arrays", pp. 0112-0117
  • Kristopher Buchanan, Carlos Flores, Sara Wheeland, Jeffrey Jensen, David Grayson and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Experimental transmit beamforming using a circular canonical family bound to a locus of quadric roots", pp. 0083-0088
  • J. S. Jensen, K. Buchanan, J. F. Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2017, "A computer vision-based framework for the synthesis and analysis of beamforming behavior in swarming intelligent systems", pp. 0118-0122
  • Jeffery W. Baur, Thao Gibson, Daniel Rapking, Shaun Murphy, Geoffrey J. Frank, Robyn Bradford, Gregory Huff, Darren J. Hartl and David Phillips, 2017, "Integration of structurally embedded vascular antenna (Seva) in a complex curved composites", pp. 2477-2486
  • Jeffery W. Baur, Darren J. Hartl, Geoff J. Frank, Robyn Bradford and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Graphical material selection methods for multi-constraint, multifunctional composites pressure vessels", 6A-2017
  • Kristopher Buchanan, Carlos Flores, Sara Wheeland, Jeffrey Jensen, David Grayson and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Experimental Transmit Beamforming using a Circular Canonical Family Bound to a Locus of Quadric Roots", pp. 83-88
  • Kazuko Fuchi, Giorgio Bazzan, Andrew S. Gillman, Gregory Huff, Philip R. Buskohl and Edward J. Alyanak, 2017, "Frequency Tuning through Physical Reconfiguration of a Corrugated Origami Frequency Selective Surface", pp. 411-412
  • Jeffery W. Baur, Darren J. Hartl, Geoff J. Frank, Robyn Bradford and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Graphical Material Selection Methods for Multi-Constraint, Multi-Functional Composites Pressure Vessels"
  • Zhong Chen, Jean-Francois Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2017, "Impact of UAV Swarm Density and Heterogeneity on Synthetic Aperture DoA Convergence", pp. 3-4
  • Lisa M. Smith, Hong K. Pan, Robyn L. Bradford, Geoffrey J. Frank, Darren Hartl, Jeffery Baur and Gregory Huff, 2016, "A study of liquid metal alloy reconfigurable antennas embedded in a structural composite", pp. 847-848
  • Kristopher R. Buchanan, Jeffrey Jensen and Gregory Huff, 2016, "Modal beam generation from circularly bound random array topologies", 0
  • D. J. Hartl, G. J. Frank, Gregory Huff and J. W. Baur, 2016, "Analysis-driven design of vascular antennas embedded in multifunctional composites"
  • Darren J. Hartl, Gregory Huff, Hong Pan, Lisa Smith, Robyn L. Bradford, Geoffrey J. Frank and Jeffery W. Baur, 2016, "Analysis and characterization of structurally embedded vascular antennas using liquid metals", SENSORS AND SMART STRUCTURES TECHNOLOGIES FOR CIVIL, MECHANICAL, AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS 2016, 9803
  • Kristopher R. Buchanan, Jeffrey Jensen and Gregory Huff, 2016, "Modal Beam Generation from Circularly Bound Random Array Topologies", 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PHASED ARRAY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY (PAST)
  • Nam Nicholas Ma, Kristopher Buchanan, Jeffrey Jensen and Gregory Huff, 2015, "Distributed beamforming from triangular planar random antenna arrays", 2015-December, pp. 553-558
  • D. Tunon, J. F. Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2015, "Orientation-awareness and wireless systems", pp. 230-234
  • Kris Buchanan, John Rockway and Gregory Huff, 2015, "Random antenna array phase and range limitations", 2015-October, pp. 2499-2500
  • Franklin J. Drummond and Gregory Huff, 2015, "A micro air vehicle design based on a wideband antenna", 2015-October, pp. 1428-1429
  • Gregory Huff, Jeffrey S. Jensen and Jean Francois Chamberland, 2015, "Z0lver: A cross-platform open-source App for transmission line analysis and circuit design", 2015-October, pp. 1444-1445
  • K. Buchanan and Gregory Huff, 2015, "Sidelobe behavior of hexagonal and circular arrays", 2015-May
  • Jeffrey S. Jensen and Gregory Huff, 2015, "A Cognitive Spatial Learning Control System for Volumetric Random Arrays", pp. 223-223
  • Travis Taghavi, Jean Francois Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2014, "Antenna design for graph inference: Striking a balance between quality and quantity"
  • A. Bennett, J. McKnight, D. Rolando, J. F. Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2014, "Disturbance localization using a multifunctional antenna-buoy sensor network", pp. 400-401
  • Kris Buchanan and Gregory Huff, 2014, "Analysis and experiments on peaking sidelobe and scanning behavior in planar random arrays", pp. 1369-1370
  • Stephen Long, W. Mark Dorsey, Andre A. Adams and Gregory Huff, 2014, "Metallization of a polymer substrate for microfluidic-cooled RF laminates", IEEE
  • Joel D. Barrera, Gregory Huff, Scott White, Nancy Sottos, Anthony Griffin and Jennifer T. Bernhard, 2014, "A novel fluidic switch for high power applications", pp. 122-123
  • D. Tunon, J. F. Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2014, "Adding dimensions to wireless systems with orientation-aware devices and reconfigurable antennas", pp. 298-302
  • D. Tunon, T. Taghavi, J.-F. Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2014, "On the design and analysis of antenna patterns for localization with smart devices", IEEE
  • M. S. Kelley and Gregory Huff, 2014, "Design, analysis, and reconfiguration of a multi-arm spiral frequency selective surface", IEEE
  • D. Tunon, T. Taghavi, J.-F. Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2013, "Localization of a single source with orientation-aware smart devices", IEEE
  • Teng Kai Chen and Gregory Huff, 2013, "A closed-form analysis of infinitely parallel coplanar waveguides"
  • Ryan Moore, Quinn Manley, Elisha Foster, Russell Haley, Zhenchun Xia, Jean Francois Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2013, "An android-controlled direction of arrival system using polarization-reconfigurable antennas", pp. 181
  • D. Tunon, T. Taghavi, J. F. Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2013, "Localization of a single source with orientation-aware smart devices", pp. 117-120
  • Teng Kai Chen and Gregory Huff, 2013, "Re-visitation on the input impedance of two-arm frequency-independent antennas in free space", pp. 2137-2138
  • Gregory Huff, Stephen A. Long, Frank Drummond, Amanda Couch and Nick Brennan, 2013, "Evaluation of fluidic-based mechanisms for electromagnetic compensation from mechanical bending and thermoregulation of flexible patch antenna"
  • Gregory Huff, Stephen A. Long, Frank Drummond, Amanda Couch and Nick Brennan, 2013, "Evaluation of fluidic-based mechanisms for electromagnetic compensation from mechanical bending and thermoregulation of flexible patch antenna"
  • Michael S. Kelley and Gregory Huff, 2013, "Fluidic tuning of a frequency selective surface based on a four-arm Archimedean spiral", IEEE
  • Nicholas Brennan, Gregory Huff, Brad Rupp, Michael A. Bevan, S. Andrew Long and W. Mark Dorsey, 2013, "A fluidic-enabled polarization reconfigurable antenna on a hexagonal substrate tile", IEEE, pp. 1642-1643
  • T. K. Chen and Gregory Huff, 2013, "Design and analysis of a stripline archimedean snail antenna", pp. 775-779
  • Z. Xia, N. Brennan, J. F. Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2013, "Real-time and near-real-time acquisition systems for measuring aliasing in small arrays based on crystal microstructures", pp. 64-66
  • Gregory Huff, Stephen Long, Frank Drummond, Nick Brennan and Amanda Couch, 2013, "Evaluation of Fluidic-Based Mechanisms for Electromagnetic Compensation from Mechanical Bending and Thermoregulation of Flexible Patch Antenna", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Michael S. Kelley and Gregory Huff, 2013, "Fluidic Tuning of a Frequency Selective Surface based on a Four-Arm Archimedean Spiral", 2013 IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM (APSURSI), pp. 468-469
  • Santhosh Kumar, Jean-Francois Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2013, "Reconfigurable Antennas, Preemptive Switching and Virtual Channel Management under Partial Observations", 2013 US NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF URSI NATIONAL RADIO SCIENCE MEETING (USNC-URSI NRSM)
  • Pankaj Parag, Santhosh Kumar, Jean Francois Chamberland and Gregory Huff, 2012, "Detecting the presence of a proximate cellular user through distributed femtocell sensing", pp. 185-188
  • Zhenchun Xia, Gregory Huff, Jean Francois Chamberland, Henry Pfister and Raktim Bhattacharya, 2012, "Direction of arrival estimation using canonical and crystallographic volumetric element configurations", pp. 1436-1439
  • Gregory Huff, S. A. Long, F. J. Drummond, S. Lee, E. Estes, R. Burgess and J. Berry, 2012, "Automation of reconfiguration, compensation, and thermoregulation using vascular networks", pp. 3283-3284
  • S. A. Long and Gregory Huff, 2011, "Development of a closed-loop fluidic system for a phase reconfigurable reflectarray element", pp. 1192-1193
  • F. Drummond and Gregory Huff, 2011, "Reconfiguration and thermoregulation using biologically inspired vascular networks", pp. 3668-3669
  • K. Buchanan and Gregory Huff, 2011, "A comparison of geometrically bound random arrays in euclidean space", IEEE
  • Stephen A. Long and Gregory Huff, 2010, "Experiments on a fluidic loading mechanism for beam-steering reflectarrays"
  • Stephen A. Long and Gregory Huff, 2010, "Experiments on a fluidic loading mechanism for beam-steering reflectarrays", IEEE
  • Joel D. Barrera and Gregory Huff, 2010, "An adaptive SIW filter using vertically-orientated fluidic material perturbations", IEEE
  • S. Andrew Long and Gregory Huff, 2009, "A Substrate Integrated Fluidic Compensation Mechanism for Deformable Antennas", IEEE
  • Stephen A. Long and Gregory Huff, 2009, "A cognitive compensation mechanism for deformable antennas", SPIE
  • T.L. Roach, Gregory Huff and J.T. Bernhard, 2007, "On the Applications for a Radiation Reconfigurable Antenna", IEEE
  • Gregory Huff and A. S. Long, 2007, "Reconfigurable radiation from a W-band trough waveguide antenna: trade-offs in impedance and radiation from tapered MEMS-based perturbations", IEEE
  • Gregory Huff and T. L. Roach, 2007, "Stripline-based spiral antennas with integrated feed structure, impedance transformer, and dyson-style balun", IEEE
  • Helen K. Pan, Gregory Huff, Tyrone Roach, Yorgos Palaskas, Stefano. Pellerano, Parmoon Seddighrad, Vijay K. Nair, Debabani Choudhury, Boyd Bangerter and Jennifer T. Bernhard, 2007, "Increasing channel capacity on MIMO system employing adaptive pattern/polarization reconfigurable antenna", IEEE
  • Helen K. Pan, Gregory Huff, Tyrone Roach, Yorgos Palaskas, Stefano. Pellerano, Parmoon Seddighrad, Vijay K. Nair, Debabani Choudhury, Boyd Bangerter and Jennifer T. Bernhard, 2007, "Increasing channel capacity on MIMO system employing adaptive pattern/polarization reconfigurable antenna", 2007 IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1-12, pp. 463-+
  • T. Roach, Gregory Huff and J. Bernhard, 2006, "Enabling High Performance Wireless Communication Systems Using Reconfigurable Antennas", IEEE
  • Gregory Huff, N. Soldner, W.D. Palmer and J.T. Bernhard, 2006, "Study of error vector magnitude patterns (EVRP) for a transmit/receive pair of microstrip patch antennas", IEEE
  • Gregory Huff and J.T. Bernhard, 2005, "Frequency Reconfigurable CPW-Fed Hybrid Folded Slot/Slot Dipole Antenna", IEEE

Research Projects

  • July 2020 - March 2021, "STTR: Scenario Data Solutions for Forward Deployed Live, Virtual, and Consructive Training at Sea," (Sponsor: U.S. Department of Defense (U.S. Navy)).

Honors and Awards

  • 2nd Place - 2021 IEEE AP-S Design Contest, 2021 IEEE AP-S USNC-URSI Student Design Contest, December 2021 - April 2021
  • Featured Author, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, January 2019


Service to Penn State:

  • Committee Work, Member, Systems Administrator 3 Search Committee, Systems Administrator 3 Search Committee, March 2022 - March 2022
  • Committee Work, Member, Department Head Search Committee, Department Head Search Committee, November 2021 - March 2022
  • Participation in Governance Bodies and Related Activities, Board Member, Faculty Advisory Board, The Leonhard Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Education, Faculty Advisory Board, January 2021
  • Committee Work, Member, EECS P&T Committee, EECS P&T Committee, August 2021
  • Committee Work, Committee Member, Academic Affairs Leadership Group, Academic Affairs Leadership Group, July 2020
  • Committee Work, Member, EE Graduate Committee, Graduate Committee, January 2019
  • Committee Work, Member, Faculty Search Committee - Applied Electromagnetics, EE Faculty Search Committee - Applied Electromagnetics, March 2019 - July 2019
  • Committee Work, Member, EE Undergraduate Lab Committee, Undergraduate Lab Committee, March 2019
  • Committee Work, Member, Master Plan - Research focus group, Master Plan - Research focus group, October 2018 - May 2019
  • Committee Work, Member, EE Safety Committee, EE Safety Committee, October 2018 - August 2021
  • Other, Reviewer, Seed Grant Review, November 2018 - December 2018
  • Other, Reviewer, A. J. Ferraro Award, A. J. Ferraro Award, April 2022

Service to External Organizations:

  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Chairperson, URSI-USNC Comm. C Chair, URSI, January 2022 - December 2024
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Committee Member, IEEE New Technology Directions Committee (NTDC), IEEE, July 2018
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Co-Chairperson, URSI-USNC Comm. C Vice Chair, URSI, January 2018 - December 2021
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Co-Chairperson, Antenna Application Symposium, September 2017
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Committee Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, January 2009



The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was created in the spring of 2015 to allow greater access to courses offered by both departments for undergraduate and graduate students in exciting collaborative research fields.

We offer B.S. degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering and data science and graduate degrees (master's degrees and Ph.D.'s) in electrical engineering and computer science and engineering. EECS focuses on the convergence of technologies and disciplines to meet today’s industrial demands.

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The Pennsylvania State University

207 Electrical Engineering West

University Park, PA 16802


Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Department of Electrical Engineering
