Journal Articles
- Syed Mohammad Ashab Uddin and Wooram Lee, 2024, "Design and Implementation of a D-Band Bidirectional Common-Gate Amplifier in 45-nm RFSOI", IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits
- Mohammadreza Abbasi and Wooram Lee, 2024, "A 114–126-GHz Frequency Doubler With > 10 dBm Output Power and > 12% Efficiency in 45 nm RFSOI", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, pp. 4
- Mohammadreza Abbasi and Wooram Lee, 2024, "A Low-Loss Passive D-Band Phase Shifter for Calibration-Free, Precise Phase Control", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 5, (59), pp. 10
- Wooram Lee, 2023, "A 24-30 GHz Power Amplifier with >20-dBm Psat and <0.1-dB AM-AM Distortion for 5G Applications in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS", IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E106-C, (11)
- Liwen Zhong, Mohammadreza Abbasi, Syed Mohammad Ashab Uddin and Wooram Lee, 2023, "Broadband Frequency-domain Analog Processor for Spectrum Sensing with> 20 GHz Scan Range", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 70, (5), pp. 4
- Wooram Lee and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2021, "W-Band SiGe Frequency Doubler With Optimum Harmonic Termination for 14% Efficiency", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 31, (3), pp. 272-275
- Wooram Lee, Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Caglar Ozdag, Yigit Aydogan, Mark Yeck, Alper Cabuk, Asim Kepkep, Scott K Reynolds, Emre Apaydin and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2018, "Fully integrated 94-GHz dual-polarized TX and RX phased array chipset in SiGe BiCMOS operating up to 105° C", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 53, (9), pp. 2512--2531
- Wooram Lee and Ehsan Afshari, 2012, "A CMOS noise-squeezing amplifier", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 60, (2), pp. 329--339
- Wooram Lee, Muhammad Adnan, Omeed Momeni and Ehsan Afshari, 2012, "A Nonlinear Lattice for High-amplitude Picosecond Pulse Generation in CMOS", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 60, (2), pp. 370--380
- Wooram Lee and Ehsan Afshari, 2010, "Distributed Parametric Resonator: A Passive CMOS Frequency Divider", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 45, (9), pp. 1834--1844
- Georgios N Lilis, Jihyuk Park, Wooram Lee, Guansheng Li, Harish S Bhat and Ehsan Afshari, 2010, "Harmonic generation using nonlinear LC lattices", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 58, (7), pp. 1713--1723
- Wooram Lee and Ehsan Afshari, 2010, "Low-noise parametric resonant amplifier", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 58, (3), pp. 479--492
- Harish S Bhat, Wooram Lee, Georgios N Lilis and Ehsan Afshari, 2010, "Steady-state perturbative theory for nonlinear circuits", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43, (20), pp. 205101
- P. Park, S. Jun, H. Kim, D. Jung, Wooram Lee and Y. Chung, 2007, "Reduction of polarization-induced performance degradation in WDM PON utilizing MQW-SLD-based broadband source", Optics Express
- Wooram Lee, Seung Hyun Cho, Mahn Yong Park, Jie Hyun Lee, Chulyoung Kim, Geon Jeong and Byoung Whi Kim, 2006, "Frequency detuning effects in a loop-back WDM-PON employing gain-saturated RSOAs", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18, (13), pp. 1436--1438
- Geon Jeong, J-H Lee, Mahn Y Park, Cheol Young Kim, S-H Cho, Wooram Lee and Byoung Whi Kim, 2006, "Over 26-nm wavelength tunable external cavity laser based on polymer waveguide platforms for WDM access networks", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18, (20), pp. 2102--2104
- Wooram Lee, SH Cho, MY Park, JH Lee, C Kim, G Jeong and BW Kim, 2006, "Wavelength filter detuning for improved carrier reuse in loop-back WDM-PON", Electronics Letters, 42, (10), pp. 1
- J. Lee, M. Park, C. Kim, S. Cho, Wooram Lee, G. Jeong and B. Kim, 2005, "Tunable external cavity laser based on polymer waveguide platform for WDM access network", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
- Wooram Lee, Mahn Yong Park, Seung Hyun Cho, Jihyun Lee, Chulyoung Kim, Geon Jeong and Byoung Whi Kim, 2005, "Bidirectional WDM-PON based on gain-saturated reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17, (11), pp. 2460--2462
- Seung-Hyun Cho, Woo-Ram Lee, Jie-Hyun Lee, Jae-Dong Park, Byoung-Whi Kim, Min-Ho Kang and Dong-Wook Shin, 2005, "Fabrication and performance analysis of cost-effective fiber grating lasers for WDM-PON systems", Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics, 16, (1), pp. 13--20
- Wooram Lee, Seung-Hyun Cho, Jaedong Park, Bong Kyu Kim and Byoungwhi Kim, 2005, "Noise Suppression of Spectrum-Sliced WDM-PON Light Sources Using FP-LD", ETRI journal, 27, (3), pp. 334--336
- Mohammadreza Abbasi and Wooram Lee, , "Programmable True-time Delay Design in Silicon for mmWave and sub-THz Beamfomers", IEEE Microwave Magazine
Conference Proceedings
- Syed Mohammad Ashab Uddin, Mohammadreza Abbasi, Liwen Zhong and Wooram Lee, 2024, "Circuit Innovations for D-band Phased Array Transceivers", 2024 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)
- Syed Mohammad Ashab Uddin, Liwen Zhong and Wooram Lee, 2024, "A D-band Bi-directional Current-Reuse Common-Gate Amplifier in 45nm RFSOI", 2024 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC)
- Mohammadreza Abbasi and Wooram Lee, 2023, "A D-band Calibration-Free Passive 360-degree Phase Shifter With 1.2-degree RMS Phase Error in 45 nm RFSOI", The IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC)
- Colin A Mussman, Wooram Lee, Gregory Huff and Douglas Werner, 2022, "A Scalable Aperiodic RFIC Phased-Array Topology for the mmWave Spectrum", pp. 1612--1613
- Arun Paidimarri, Masayuki Yoshiyama, Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Alberto Valdes-Garcia, Wooram Lee, Yuma Okuyama, Mark Yeck, Caglar Ozdag, Sudipto Chakraborty, Yo Yamaguchi and others, 2021, "A high-linearity, 24--30 GHz RF, beamforming and frequency-conversion IC for scalable 5G phased arrays", pp. 103--106
- Daniel Kuchta, Jonathan Proesel, Fuad Doany, Wooram Lee, Timothy Dickson, Herschel Ainspan, Mounir Meghelli, Petar Pepeljugoski, Xiaoxiong Gu, Michael Beakes and others, 2019, "Multi-wavelength optical transceivers integrated on node (MOTION)", pp. 1--3
- Wooram Lee, Tolga Dinc and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2019, "Reconfigurable 60-GHz radar transmitter SoC with broadband frequency tripler in 45nm SOI CMOS", pp. 43--46
- Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Xiaoxiong Gu, Wooram Lee, Asaf Tzadok, Duixian Liu, Huijian Liu, Mark Yeck, Christian Baks and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2019, "Si-based 94-GHz phased array transmit and receive modules for real-time 3D radar imaging", pp. 532--535
- Wooram Lee, 2019, "A 48-79 GHz Low-Noise Amplifier with Broadband Phase-Invariant Gain Control in 45nm SOI CMOS", 2019 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium, BCICTS 2019
- Xiaoxiong Gu, Duixian Liu, Chris Baks, Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Wooram Lee and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2018, "An enhanced 64-element dual-polarization antenna array package for W-band communication and imaging applications", pp. 197--201
- Wooram Lee and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2018, "Tunable delay line using distributed inductive/capacitive Miller effect", pp. 1445--1448
- Wooram Lee, Caglar Ozdag, Yigit Aydogan, Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Mark Yeck, Alper Cabuk, Asim Kepkep, Emre Apaydin and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2017, "A fully-integrated 94-GHz 16-element dual-output phased-array transmitter in SiGe BiCMOS with P SAT> 6.5 dBm up to 105° C", pp. 1--4
- Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Wooram Lee, Caglar Ozdag, Yigit Aydogan, Mark Yeck, Alper Cabuk, Asim Kepkep, Emre Apaydin and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2017, "A fully-integrated 94-GHz 32-element phased-array receiver in SiGe BiCMOS", pp. 380--383
- Guansheng Li, Wooram Lee, Delong Cui, Bo Zhang, Afshin Momtaz and Jun Cao, 2015, "Standing wave based clock distribution technique with application to a 10$\times$ 11 Gbps transceiver in 28 nm CMOS", pp. 1--4
- Wooram Lee and Ehsan Afshari, 2011, "An 8GHz, 0.45 dB NF CMOS LNA employing noise squeezing", pp. 1--4
- Wooram Lee, Farid Amoozegar and Ehsan Afshari, 2009, "Picosecond pulse generation on CMOS: Design beyond transistor limits", pp. 1--6
- Wooram Lee, Seung Hyun Cho, Mahn Young Park, Jie Hyun Lee, Chulyoung Kim, Geon Jeong and Byoung Whi Kim, 2007, "Optical transceiver employing an RSOA with feed-forward current injection", pp. 1--3
- Seung-Hyun Cho, Wooram Lee, Mahn Yong Park and Byoungwhi Kim, 2007, "Reducing the Back Reflection-Induced Penalty by Using a Receiver with an Optimized Decision Level in a lambda-Reuse Single Fiber Bidirectional WDM-PON", pp. 1--2
- Seung-Hyun Cho, Wooram Lee, Mahn Yong Park, Jiehyun Lee, Chulyoung Kim, Geon Jeong and Byoungwhi Kim, 2006, "Demonstration of burst amplified uplink for RSOA-based WDM/TDM hybrid PON systems using SOA as a multi-channel preamplifier", pp. 1--2
- Wooram Lee, Jaedong Park, Byoung-Whi Kim and others, 2004, "The performance analysis of ASE injection-locked FP-LD over injected light wavelengths", pp. 44