Photo of Wooram Lee

Wooram Lee

Associate Professor


  • School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering

225 Electrical Engineering East


Research Website

Research Areas:

Electromagnetics; Integrated Circuits and Systems

Interest Areas:

High-frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems for Communication and Sensing, Physics-Inspired Novel Circuit Design





Journal Articles

  • Syed Mohammad Ashab Uddin and Wooram Lee, 2024, "Design and Implementation of a D-Band Bidirectional Common-Gate Amplifier in 45-nm RFSOI", IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits
  • Mohammadreza Abbasi and Wooram Lee, 2024, "A 114–126-GHz Frequency Doubler With > 10 dBm Output Power and > 12% Efficiency in 45 nm RFSOI", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, pp. 4
  • Mohammadreza Abbasi and Wooram Lee, 2024, "A Low-Loss Passive D-Band Phase Shifter for Calibration-Free, Precise Phase Control", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 5, (59), pp. 10
  • Wooram Lee, 2023, "A 24-30 GHz Power Amplifier with >20-dBm Psat and <0.1-dB AM-AM Distortion for 5G Applications in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS", IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E106-C, (11)
  • Liwen Zhong, Mohammadreza Abbasi, Syed Mohammad Ashab Uddin and Wooram Lee, 2023, "Broadband Frequency-domain Analog Processor for Spectrum Sensing with> 20 GHz Scan Range", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 70, (5), pp. 4
  • Wooram Lee and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2021, "W-Band SiGe Frequency Doubler With Optimum Harmonic Termination for 14% Efficiency", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 31, (3), pp. 272-275
  • Wooram Lee, Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Caglar Ozdag, Yigit Aydogan, Mark Yeck, Alper Cabuk, Asim Kepkep, Scott K Reynolds, Emre Apaydin and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2018, "Fully integrated 94-GHz dual-polarized TX and RX phased array chipset in SiGe BiCMOS operating up to 105° C", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 53, (9), pp. 2512--2531
  • Wooram Lee and Ehsan Afshari, 2012, "A CMOS noise-squeezing amplifier", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 60, (2), pp. 329--339
  • Wooram Lee, Muhammad Adnan, Omeed Momeni and Ehsan Afshari, 2012, "A Nonlinear Lattice for High-amplitude Picosecond Pulse Generation in CMOS", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 60, (2), pp. 370--380
  • Wooram Lee and Ehsan Afshari, 2010, "Distributed Parametric Resonator: A Passive CMOS Frequency Divider", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 45, (9), pp. 1834--1844
  • Georgios N Lilis, Jihyuk Park, Wooram Lee, Guansheng Li, Harish S Bhat and Ehsan Afshari, 2010, "Harmonic generation using nonlinear LC lattices", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 58, (7), pp. 1713--1723
  • Wooram Lee and Ehsan Afshari, 2010, "Low-noise parametric resonant amplifier", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 58, (3), pp. 479--492
  • Harish S Bhat, Wooram Lee, Georgios N Lilis and Ehsan Afshari, 2010, "Steady-state perturbative theory for nonlinear circuits", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43, (20), pp. 205101
  • P. Park, S. Jun, H. Kim, D. Jung, Wooram Lee and Y. Chung, 2007, "Reduction of polarization-induced performance degradation in WDM PON utilizing MQW-SLD-based broadband source", Optics Express
  • Wooram Lee, Seung Hyun Cho, Mahn Yong Park, Jie Hyun Lee, Chulyoung Kim, Geon Jeong and Byoung Whi Kim, 2006, "Frequency detuning effects in a loop-back WDM-PON employing gain-saturated RSOAs", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18, (13), pp. 1436--1438
  • Geon Jeong, J-H Lee, Mahn Y Park, Cheol Young Kim, S-H Cho, Wooram Lee and Byoung Whi Kim, 2006, "Over 26-nm wavelength tunable external cavity laser based on polymer waveguide platforms for WDM access networks", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18, (20), pp. 2102--2104
  • Wooram Lee, SH Cho, MY Park, JH Lee, C Kim, G Jeong and BW Kim, 2006, "Wavelength filter detuning for improved carrier reuse in loop-back WDM-PON", Electronics Letters, 42, (10), pp. 1
  • J. Lee, M. Park, C. Kim, S. Cho, Wooram Lee, G. Jeong and B. Kim, 2005, "Tunable external cavity laser based on polymer waveguide platform for WDM access network", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
  • Wooram Lee, Mahn Yong Park, Seung Hyun Cho, Jihyun Lee, Chulyoung Kim, Geon Jeong and Byoung Whi Kim, 2005, "Bidirectional WDM-PON based on gain-saturated reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17, (11), pp. 2460--2462
  • Seung-Hyun Cho, Woo-Ram Lee, Jie-Hyun Lee, Jae-Dong Park, Byoung-Whi Kim, Min-Ho Kang and Dong-Wook Shin, 2005, "Fabrication and performance analysis of cost-effective fiber grating lasers for WDM-PON systems", Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics, 16, (1), pp. 13--20
  • Wooram Lee, Seung-Hyun Cho, Jaedong Park, Bong Kyu Kim and Byoungwhi Kim, 2005, "Noise Suppression of Spectrum-Sliced WDM-PON Light Sources Using FP-LD", ETRI journal, 27, (3), pp. 334--336
  • Mohammadreza Abbasi and Wooram Lee, , "Programmable True-time Delay Design in Silicon for mmWave and sub-THz Beamfomers", IEEE Microwave Magazine

Conference Proceedings

  • Syed Mohammad Ashab Uddin, Mohammadreza Abbasi, Liwen Zhong and Wooram Lee, 2024, "Circuit Innovations for D-band Phased Array Transceivers", 2024 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)
  • Syed Mohammad Ashab Uddin, Liwen Zhong and Wooram Lee, 2024, "A D-band Bi-directional Current-Reuse Common-Gate Amplifier in 45nm RFSOI", 2024 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC)
  • Mohammadreza Abbasi and Wooram Lee, 2023, "A D-band Calibration-Free Passive 360-degree Phase Shifter With 1.2-degree RMS Phase Error in 45 nm RFSOI", The IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC)
  • Colin A Mussman, Wooram Lee, Gregory Huff and Douglas Werner, 2022, "A Scalable Aperiodic RFIC Phased-Array Topology for the mmWave Spectrum", pp. 1612--1613
  • Arun Paidimarri, Masayuki Yoshiyama, Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Alberto Valdes-Garcia, Wooram Lee, Yuma Okuyama, Mark Yeck, Caglar Ozdag, Sudipto Chakraborty, Yo Yamaguchi and others, 2021, "A high-linearity, 24--30 GHz RF, beamforming and frequency-conversion IC for scalable 5G phased arrays", pp. 103--106
  • Daniel Kuchta, Jonathan Proesel, Fuad Doany, Wooram Lee, Timothy Dickson, Herschel Ainspan, Mounir Meghelli, Petar Pepeljugoski, Xiaoxiong Gu, Michael Beakes and others, 2019, "Multi-wavelength optical transceivers integrated on node (MOTION)", pp. 1--3
  • Wooram Lee, Tolga Dinc and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2019, "Reconfigurable 60-GHz radar transmitter SoC with broadband frequency tripler in 45nm SOI CMOS", pp. 43--46
  • Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Xiaoxiong Gu, Wooram Lee, Asaf Tzadok, Duixian Liu, Huijian Liu, Mark Yeck, Christian Baks and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2019, "Si-based 94-GHz phased array transmit and receive modules for real-time 3D radar imaging", pp. 532--535
  • Wooram Lee, 2019, "A 48-79 GHz Low-Noise Amplifier with Broadband Phase-Invariant Gain Control in 45nm SOI CMOS", 2019 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium, BCICTS 2019
  • Xiaoxiong Gu, Duixian Liu, Chris Baks, Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Wooram Lee and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2018, "An enhanced 64-element dual-polarization antenna array package for W-band communication and imaging applications", pp. 197--201
  • Wooram Lee and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2018, "Tunable delay line using distributed inductive/capacitive Miller effect", pp. 1445--1448
  • Wooram Lee, Caglar Ozdag, Yigit Aydogan, Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Mark Yeck, Alper Cabuk, Asim Kepkep, Emre Apaydin and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2017, "A fully-integrated 94-GHz 16-element dual-output phased-array transmitter in SiGe BiCMOS with P SAT> 6.5 dBm up to 105° C", pp. 1--4
  • Jean-Olivier Plouchart, Wooram Lee, Caglar Ozdag, Yigit Aydogan, Mark Yeck, Alper Cabuk, Asim Kepkep, Emre Apaydin and Alberto Valdes-Garcia, 2017, "A fully-integrated 94-GHz 32-element phased-array receiver in SiGe BiCMOS", pp. 380--383
  • Guansheng Li, Wooram Lee, Delong Cui, Bo Zhang, Afshin Momtaz and Jun Cao, 2015, "Standing wave based clock distribution technique with application to a 10$\times$ 11 Gbps transceiver in 28 nm CMOS", pp. 1--4
  • Wooram Lee and Ehsan Afshari, 2011, "An 8GHz, 0.45 dB NF CMOS LNA employing noise squeezing", pp. 1--4
  • Wooram Lee, Farid Amoozegar and Ehsan Afshari, 2009, "Picosecond pulse generation on CMOS: Design beyond transistor limits", pp. 1--6
  • Wooram Lee, Seung Hyun Cho, Mahn Young Park, Jie Hyun Lee, Chulyoung Kim, Geon Jeong and Byoung Whi Kim, 2007, "Optical transceiver employing an RSOA with feed-forward current injection", pp. 1--3
  • Seung-Hyun Cho, Wooram Lee, Mahn Yong Park and Byoungwhi Kim, 2007, "Reducing the Back Reflection-Induced Penalty by Using a Receiver with an Optimized Decision Level in a lambda-Reuse Single Fiber Bidirectional WDM-PON", pp. 1--2
  • Seung-Hyun Cho, Wooram Lee, Mahn Yong Park, Jiehyun Lee, Chulyoung Kim, Geon Jeong and Byoungwhi Kim, 2006, "Demonstration of burst amplified uplink for RSOA-based WDM/TDM hybrid PON systems using SOA as a multi-channel preamplifier", pp. 1--2
  • Wooram Lee, Jaedong Park, Byoung-Whi Kim and others, 2004, "The performance analysis of ASE injection-locked FP-LD over injected light wavelengths", pp. 44

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • RFIC2023 Best Student Paper Award (1st place), IEEE RFIC symposium, June 2023 - June 2023


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:

  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Committee Member, Microwave/mm-Wave Radar, Sensing and Array Systems Sub-Committee, IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTTS), June 2024



The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was created in the spring of 2015 to allow greater access to courses offered by both departments for undergraduate and graduate students in exciting collaborative research fields.

We offer B.S. degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering and data science and graduate degrees (master's degrees and Ph.D.'s) in electrical engineering and computer science and engineering. EECS focuses on the convergence of technologies and disciplines to meet today’s industrial demands.

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The Pennsylvania State University

207 Electrical Engineering West

University Park, PA 16802


Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Department of Electrical Engineering
