Fall 2023 EE Colloquia
For Enrolled Students: The colloquium will be held at 1:25 p.m. every Friday (except November 24) in Willard Building 062, beginning on September 1 and ending on December 1.
Following each colloquium, you have to complete a questionnaire; you have one week after each seminar to complete and submit the questionnaire. A template for the questionnaire will be posted in Canvas for you to download and use. In order to pass and receive credit for the course, you must attend all colloquia and submit at least 11 questionnaires.
Please note: You MUST attend the SARI required colloquium [on10/13/2023] to fulfill the SARI requirement for the EE degree completion. Contact Lisa Timko at lmg183@psu.edu or 814-863-7294.
For all matters related to EE500 course, please contact Prof. I. C. Khoo at ick1@psu.edu.
Colloquium Dates and Presentation Schedule
Sept. 1
Speaker: Victor Pasko [Electrical Engineering Department, Penn State]
Title: Lightning Related Transient Luminous Events in the Middle Atmosphere
Sept. 8
Speaker: Rahul Panat [Carnegie Mellon University]
Title: From Next Generation Devices to Manufacturing Digital Twins
Sept. 15
Speaker: Rômulo Meira-Goes [Electrical Engineering Department, Penn State]
Title: On securing the next generation of critical infrastructure systems
Sept. 22
Speaker: Dr. Abhronil Sengupta, Electrical Engineering Department, Penn State
Title: Neuromorphic Computing: Bridging the gap between Nanoelectronics, Neuroscience and Machine Learning
Sept. 29
Speaker: Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri [Electrical Engineering, Penn State]
Title: Frequency support among asynchronous AC grids through multiterminal DC grid
Oct. 6
Speaker: William Correll [Maxar Company]
Title: SAR 101 – Intro to Synthetic Aperture Radar
Oct. 13
SARI Colloquium
Speaker: Courtney Karmelita [Office for Research Protections, Penn State]
Title: Research Integrity and Why It Matters
Oct. 20
Raj and Jeannette Mittra Distinguished Lecture
Speaker: Prof. Juejun Hu [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
Title: A wide-angle view on metasurface optics
Oct. 27
Speaker: Yan Li [Electrical Engineering, Penn State]
Title: Enabling Resilient Cyber-Physical Microgrids
Nov. 3
Speaker: Dr. Hong Chen [Principal Engineer - PJM Interconnection]
Title: Overview of Electricity Market Operation
Nov. 10 Electrical Engineering Distinguished Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Hui Cao [Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, Yale University]
Title: Propagation of light in complex media - for imaging, spectroscopy, neuromorphic computing and beyond
Nov. 17
Speaker: Mathews Jacob [Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa]
Title: Model based deep learning (MoDL) for MR image recovery: beyond algorithm unrolling
Dec. 1
Speaker: Galestan Mackertich-Sengerdy [Electrical Engineering, Penn State]
Title: Compliant Mechanisms for the Next Generation of Ruggedized Reconfigurable Electromagnetic Devices
EE Colloquia Archives:
- Spring 2025
- Fall 2024
- Spring 2024
- Fall 2023
- Spring 2023
- Fall 2022
- Spring 2022
- Fall 2021
- Spring 2021
- Fall 2020
- Spring 2020
- Fall 2019
- Spring 2019
- Fall 2018