Spring 2023 EE Colloquia
Jan. 20, 2023
Speaker: Prof. Christos Argyropoulos – [Electrical Engineering Department, Penn State]
Title: Nanophotonics: a new frontier technology to efficiently control light at the nanoscale
Jan. 27, 2023
Speaker: Prof. Daniel Lopez - [Electrical Engineering Department, Penn State]
Title: Fundamentals and Applications of Nanoscale Resonators
Feb. 3, 2023
Speaker: Jason C. Hunnel [Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State]
Title: Electro-Optics and Electronics at the Applied Research Lab at Penn State
Feb. 10, 2023
Speaker: Prof. Julio Urbina - [Electrical Engineering Department, Penn State]
Title: Radar Remote Sensing: tracking free electrons, meteors, bees
Feb. 17, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Lei Kang – [Electrical Engineering Department, Penn State]
Title: Achieving Functional Photonic Metadevices
Feb. 24, 2023
Speaker: Prof. Tsung-Hsien Lin [National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan]
Title: Development of Liquid Crystal Smart Window
Mar. 3, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Madhavan Swaminathan [Department Head of Electrical Engineering, Penn State]
Title: The Future of Semiconductor Packaging is Now!
Mar. 17, 2023
Electrical Engineering Distinguished Colloquim
Speaker: Dr. Ravi V Mahajan [Intel Corporation, Arizona]
Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Heterogeneous Integration
Mar. 24, 2023
SARI Colloquim
Speaker: Jacquelyn Huff [School of Engineering Design and Innovation, Penn State]
Title: Lessons on How to Blow It: Stories from Engineering Ethics
Mar. 31, 2023
Speaker: Stephanie Law [Department of Material Science and Engineering, Penn State]
Title: Photons, plasmons, and polaritons: optical phenomena in complex materials
April. 7, 2023
Raj and Jeannette Mittra Distinguished Lecture
Speaker: Prof. Daniel Fleetwood [Olin H. Landreth Professor of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vanderbilt University]
Title: Moore’s Law and Radiation Effects on Microelectronics
April. 14, 2023
Speaker: Sanghamitra Dutta [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland]
Title: Foundations of Reliable and Lawful Machine Learning for High-Stakes Applications
April. 21, 2023
Speaker: Prof. Hong Tang [Electrical Engineering and Physics, Yale University]
Title: Hybrid Quantum Photonic Circuits and Quantum Frequency Conversion
EE Colloquia Archives:
- Spring 2025
- Fall 2024
- Spring 2024
- Fall 2023
- Spring 2023
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