SARI Credit Events for Scholars and Researchers

The SARI (Scholarship and Research Integrity) workshops and events can be found here.

The SARI program has two parts:

1. During the first year of enrollment, graduate students will be required to complete an online Responsible Conduct of (RCR) training program provided by the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI).  The Office for Research Protections (ORP) will provide the conduit to this training via the SARI Resource Portal on the ORP website. Students are required to complete the “Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Course for Engineers.” After completing the exam, CSE students should submit the results to Cindy Milliron (W209 Westgate and EE students should submit their completed exams

2. Graduate students will also be required to engage in an additional 5 hours of discussion-based RCR education prior to degree completion. These discussions will encompass both universal and discipline-specific material. The Office of Research Protections (ORP), the College of Engineering (COE) and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering all hold discussion-based education events.

EE students: EE students are required to do 2 hours of general SARI training and 3 hours of program-specific training, available through certain EE Colloquia. EE students are required to complete all SARI requirements within their first year in the program.

CSE students: CSE students may complete your 5 hours with any combination of events from ORP, COE and/or CSE. Please note that only two hours of the required SARI discussion-based activities can come from ORP workshops. Emails are sent containing a newsletter/e-mails announcing ORP and COE SARI discussions.  NOTE:  Students who are eligible to receive SARI participation credit for attending ORP workshops will scan in at the event. This information will then be entered into the student’s milestones in LionPATH. Attendance will be taken at CSE events.


The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was created in the spring of 2015 to allow greater access to courses offered by both departments for undergraduate and graduate students in exciting collaborative research fields.

We offer B.S. degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering and data science and graduate degrees (master's degrees and Ph.D.'s) in electrical engineering and computer science and engineering. EECS focuses on the convergence of technologies and disciplines to meet today’s industrial demands.

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The Pennsylvania State University

207 Electrical Engineering West

University Park, PA 16802


Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Department of Electrical Engineering
